Ryon and Kani's first hunt

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Ryon and Kani are now young adults and so are the rest of the night Pride,  they are taking there first hunt together, much to Kani's annoyance

Ryon: so, sis? What are you interested in catching today? Buffalo?

Kani: chital deer, dear brother.

Ryon: okay. But chitals are very fast. And we lions only run 50 mph.

Kani: are you a human now?!

Ryon: Chital deer run 65 mph, while lions... you already know

Kani:sounds like your the annoying sibling now. Oh wait! You already are! (Chuckles)

Ryon: That's hurtful, sis.

Kani: (rolls eyes) whatever. I see an easy target!

Ryon: an easy target? Boring! I'm going for the male!

Kani: okay. But if you come home with scars all over your body and only some scraps of a calf chital deer, you'll regret it


Ryon pounces on the buck chital deer but it kicks him off.

Meanwhile, with Kani, she is being as sneaky as one can be.

Kani: hold, hold, hold... NOW!

Kani pounces on the calf and bites it's back and it collapses

Kani: Ha! How are you doing, bro—

Ryon is doing terribly.

He has earned a few scratches on his leg. Kani groans

Kani: RYON!!

Ryon: don't.. worry! I... will kill.. this male buck!

Kani: (groans)

Kani pounces on the buck and bites it's leg, while it's distracted, Ryon bites it's neck and it dies

Kani: I swear to mufasa if this gets us exiled I'm blaming you!

Kion:Ryon, Kani, can we talk?


Ryon: what?! You helped me!

Kani: after you foolishly decided to kill the leader. Some king you would be!

Kion: Ryon, is that true?

Ryon: (groans) fine it is sorry dad...

Kion: well. Kani you can have the calf all to yourself while Ryon.. as your punishment, you can have scraps of the meat

Ryon: that's cruel (frowns)

Kani: (runs to her carcass) That is what you get for not listening to me but listening to your own overconfidence!

Kani Carries the carcass somewhere else while Ryon rolls his eyes

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