Kani's incident part 2

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Kani: what happened...

Ryon: Kani, your awake (happily)

Kani: hey Ryon.

Ryon: hey Kani I'm very sorry I did this to you it's my fault I brung you out...

Kani: no no it's fine don't blame yourself. you didn't know it's not your fault you didn't do this to me the wolf did.

Ryon: okay. Anyways. How do you feel?

Kani: it really hurts, especially my eye and ear

Ryon: oh

Kani: how's the night Pride?

Ryon: Good so far. Msaliti Carried you back to the tree.

Kani: remind me to thank him later. Did I tell you his story?

Ryon: No.

Kani: okay... so it all started-

Some hours later

Ryon: that's sad I feel bad for Msaliti

Kani: yeah same I hope he doesn't mind me telling you that

Kion: Kani! Your awake

Kani: yeah I am are my injuries permanent?

Rani: the scar over your eye is permanent and so is your ear but the other scars will go away soon enough.

Kani: when can I lead the night Pride again?

Kion: Makini estimated in 12 days

Kani: that's not long I'll be back on in my feet in no time really!

Ryon: that's the spirit

12 days later

Makini: The scars have gone away and the ear stopped bleeding so did the scar over Kani's eye so I think she is good to go

Kani: thank you Makini

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