LU Incorrect Quotes 1

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Four: I wonder, does Time think in Hylian or Korkiri?

Twilight: Hylian probably

Legend: He's hardly fluent in either though...

Warriors: How bold of you three to assume that Time thinks.


Wild: [passing by] He thinks in Korkiri, that way none of us can read his thoughts.




Legend: Should we be worried?

Twilight: ...I'll ask him later.


Wind: Ok so, imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you've lost throughout your lifetime-

Time: Well, I'll be damned. Is that my childhood? It's a bit late now but thanks for finding this.

Sky: That's not what he-

Legend: Fucking finally, my will to live! And here I was thinking of buying another one...

Hyrule: Wait what-

Wild: Had a feeling I lost my potential after the Calamity. Uh Twilight, what should I do with it?

Twilight: Not funny cub.

Warriors: Mental stability, my old friend!

Wind: ;-;

Four, rolling out sleeping mat: ...could you guys lighten up already?


Wind: Time's given you a job today...but it might worry you

Wars: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band aid

Wind, taking a deep breath: We're going to split up into scouting groups and you'll be in charge of Wild and Hyrule


Wars: Put the band aid back on


*Staying late at a village tavern*

Wars: *spills drink and starts crying*

Sky: *after a couple minutes, also bursts into tears*

Twilight: Why are you crying Sky?

Sky: *sobbing uncontrollably* I'm mostly sad because you're not sad!

Twilight: Me?! What about Legend?

Sky: Legend cries on the inside Twilight!!

Legend: *sips from wine glass* It's true

Twilight: ...


Twilight: What's for dinner this evening?

Wild: Can't tell you. It's a soup-prise!

Twilight: it soup?

Wild: I soup-pose it could be, mr country pumpkin.

Twilight: Stop that.

Wild: Stoup what?

Twilight: Saying soup puns.

Wild: [innocently] Why, is it broth-ering you?


[later at camp]

Warriors: This is delicious. Hey rancher, why aren't you eating?

Twilight: [staring into his bowl of fried rice] Do you still want Wild as a mentee...?


Wild: [tears streaming down his face] I'll never forgive myself for this!

Time: [watching from afar] How long has Wild been cradling that apple?

Twilight: 'bout half an hour.

Time: Why is he upset?

Twilight: He dropped it. It's only bruised but he insists it's been "injured".

Time: ...have you been watching him for 30 straight minutes?

Twilight: [nods]

Time: [sighing] Dare I ask why?

Twilight: He's holding the only apple left.

Time: ...

Twilight: What? Epona's hungry. He'll tire himself out eventually.

Wild: [having a mental breakdown]

Time: [walking off] Wouldn't bet on it.

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