Ancient Masonry (Wild and Sky)

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The Forgotten Temple and a few other ancient buildings in BoTW look like ones seen in Skyward Sword. Wild and Sky banter about that.


"I recognise that stonework."

Wild looked back to see Sky holding a small bundle of kindling and hovering over his shoulder. He brought up the Sheikah Slate for Sky's wide eyes to see and made space for him on the log to sit. The older hero blinked at the image before walking over to where the larger sticks were and set his down next to them.

"From another era or your's specifically?" asked Wild, sliding back to his original seat.

"Mine," said Sky, now arranging the wood ready to make a fire for the evening. "It looks identical to that of the Sealed Temple."

"Maybe they're the same building then."

"Doubt it," Sky scoffed with his back to him. Not giving his full attention. "I haven't seen any structure from my era make it to even Four's."

"To be fair its location is within a canyon, so there's a good chance it's been underground for most of that time, and has only resurfaced recently." He caught Sky's skeptical expression and rolled his eyes. "Recently in terms of the grand timeline, that by it self could mean hundreds of years y'know."

"Still, they probably just made a replica in the style. But fine, what does it look like?"

Wild took a closer look at the pictures. "Uh, well the doorway was blocked off by rubble so I had to go in through a large window above it."


"There's a massive open hall with walls that don't extend to the ceiling which is over 20 metres high. Plus at the very end there's a huge statue of Hylia- the biggest I've ever seen."

"Huh, they really did their homework."

"Oh and off to the left there's a strange tree that glows sometimes. It's poking out of of some stone at the side and there's some more greenery that I'm pretty sure has-"

"What?!" Sky dropped the sticks and bolted over to where Wild was sat, who only had a second to shift out of the way and make room for him to sit down. Sky grabbed the Sheikah Slate and swiped through the images at a lightning pace, his nose scrunching up when he couldn't find it. "Wait where's this tree?"

"Oh I didn't take a picture of it," Wild said, shrugging. "It's just a tree; the one on Satori mountain is much prettier."

"'Just a tree'?!"

Wild raised an eyebrow. "...Is it important?"

" might be the same one I planted a couple years back," Sky said, handing Wild back his device. "It's important to me at least. If it's the same one, or even one of it's seedlings then...ok maybe you were right and it is the same temple."

Sky regretted wording it like that the moment he'd opened his mouth. Before he'd even finished speaking there was a smug grin on Wild's face, making him frown. "Don't make that face, you look ugly."

"Don't make that face or you'll get wrinkles," Wild retorted, mimicking his face. "Besides, you look all high and mighty every time you're right!"

"No I don't," Sky said with a wave of his hand. "But anyway, what's it called?"

Wild sighed but answered with, "Uh, it doesn't really have a name. In the Royal Archives and the Sheikah Slate's map it's just labelled as the 'Forgotten Temple'. Since it's hard to get to, no one's really explored down there, and because of that we don't know much about it."

"I see." Sky was conflicted. On one hand he was happy to know that relics from his time still exist this far down the timeline, but he was also sad to hear that they were nothing more than cultural window dressing on Hyrule's landscape. Abandoned, with no memory of their true purpose.

"You should be impressed that it's even survived this long," Wild said glancing at him. "It's a miracle it wasn't destroyed further, there are only a handful of structures like it left."

Sky's eyes went wide and practically gleamed. "Wait, there are more?!"


Word count: 648

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