Chapter 1

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Hey guys so thanks for reading(:

*I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING FEELING LIKE P----* i woke up to Kesha playing.

Today was another awful monday. Well at least i get to see Cade. If you dont know Cade is my bestfriend. Me and him have been friends since we were 4 or 5. I love Cade with all my heart. No we aren't dating, even though i wish we did.

He does Date the schools most Popular girl though. You see hes also really popular and im just an average girl. He seriously would never go for me.

I start driving to school after i get my hair and my makeup done.
After about 30 minutes i'm at school.

Cade was waiting for me at our usual spot. He saw me waved me over.

"Hey Cade," I smiled.

"Hey Jade. Your here earlier than usual," He said.

"I woke up a bit early" i replied shyly.

"Well that makes since. Hey i will catch ya later. Im going to meet up with Jess." he commented.

"Okay well see ya at lunch." I hugged him goodbye and went to meet up with my other bestfriend, Melissa.

Melissa was exactly like me, We could pass as twins if someone asked us. The only difference is shes a lesbian and of course im straight. Im actually the only one who knows she's gay.

I meet Melissa at our lockers and we went to First period, Gym, with Cade.

well i hope you liked it! Tell me what you think!

if ya wanna (: thanks for reading lovelies, 〰Brookie ♥️

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