Chapter 40 - DNA

Depuis le début

'Well, will you open the door for me please...I'm outside" she says.

'Oh..Ok, sure.' I mumble, cutting the call.

"It's Gemma." I say to Aaron.

"At this time of the night." he asks, and I shrug.

I rush out ahead of him to the door.

As soon as I open it, I notice that her face is sulky.

"Conrad and I are done." she mutters, her chest heaving heavily with emotion before any words are uttered from me.

I stare back at her wide eyed, not sure what to say.

"What do you mean done?"

"Done, over, broken up, the wedding is cancelled." she snaps.

I turn my head back and see Aaron walk up behind me, going towards the living area.

"You don't mean that." I say.

"Yes, I do." she snaps, going into the apartment.

"...He is such a hypocrite, and I would rather die single than marry into his stupid, obnoxious, self-centered, entitled narcissistic family...." she grumbles, running her fingers through her hair.

I close the door and scratch my head, then notice Aaron sitting on the arm or the sofa on the other side of the apartment, quietly facing us with his arms folded over his chest. He seems amused by Gemma's ranting, however, my sister is unaware of his presence.

"Listen, I...." I start to say, wanting to make her aware of my boyfriend's presence, but she cuts me off.

"Men can be so stupid sometimes, and just dumb..I'm not going to play second fiddle to his career just because he makes more money than me, and his parents...his parents expect me.... no, they demand that I to give up my career altogether and move to another city with him so that I can stay at home raising his's like they won't even be my know what they said.... that I don't have much time left of my youth and should use this small window left to bear atleast four kids before it's too late.... can you believe that his mother said that..and he just sat there listening and agreeing?" she grumbles and this time, Aaron chuckles, catching her attention.

Gemma turns and see him coming.

"Oh.......Oh." she says.

You would expect her to be a little embarrassed, but not my Gemma, instead, she tilts her head back proudly.

"It's true..about men being dumb sometimes." she says to him when he nears us and he smiles at her.

"I can't argue with that." He replies.

"I'm going to give you ladies some privacy." he adds, coming around to me.

He cups the sides of my face and kisses me softly, before letting go.

"Goodnight Gemma." he says to my sister, and salters off, and up the stairs.

Gemma and I both watch him leave, until he is out of sight.

"That wink..." she whispers.

Then she suddenly pouts and becomes teary eyed.


"He is so hot...just like my Conrad." she mumbles.

"Gem, come, let's sit......" I say, pulling her towards the sofa.

Gemma hates to cry and I can see she is making every effort to fight back her tears, as she looks up to soak them back in.

Honestly, I'm a little taken aback by her showing up here, I would expect her to be talking to Eva right now about whatever happened to her tonight, they always share everything with each other I'm genuinely surprised she came to me and quite frankly, I don't even know how to help her.

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