I finish half of my pancakes as it has been so long since I ate something sweet and it was quite sickly. Luca finished his.

Afterwards, he paid and we head out. I wonder if that is his money or someone else's. He might have stole it like he stole me but in his eyes, I am his.

We walk to the car and he opens the passenger door for me.

"Thank you."

Then, gets in himself.

"So where exactly are you taking me." The question peeks his interest, making his head turn in my direction, or maybe it was just the sound of my voice.

"I don't know yet. I am just going to drive and see where it takes us."

Oh my god, I am going to die.


A few hours have passed and he is still driving. I keep catching him staring at me like he is right now.


"Your hair is so pretty and long. Is it completely natural?" He asks.

"Oh, yes it is natural." I blush at the compliment.

"It is perfect. Every part of you is."

"Thank you."

I wonder why he is like that. He would actually be someone I would consider if he wasn't crazy. I don't get why he would kidnap me instead of just talking to me. I want to ask but he might get mad if I keep saying that. Now I will never consider him. I want him gone. Hopefully sooner than later.

It is bad manners to wish anything bad upon someone so I will not do that, I just do not want him in my life.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Luca asks, shaking me from my train of thought.


"Okay then. Lets play twenty one questions." He smiles

"This isn't a road trip, you kidnapped me. we cant just play a game and pretend like everything is fine when it isn't."

Silence fills the car. I made him mad which is exactly what I was avoiding. I didn't mean to confront him like I did, it just sort of happened.

then the car slows down and comes to a stop in the middle of an empty road. He leans over and wraps his hand around my neck, choking me.

"You need to understand something. You're mine. Eventually, you will understand that but until then you show me respect. I don't want to hurt you but when I have too, I will. Understood?"


"Good." He lets go of me and starts driving again. "so, twenty one questions?" Luca grins.


"I'll go first then. What's your full name?" He asks his first question.

"Emelia Hart."

"How old are you really?"


"What were you doing unconscious that day?"

"I don't know. I went to a party and don't remember much. I don't remember drinking but I must have I guess. its just not like me."

"someone probably spiked you if you don't think you got drunk."

"What does that mean?"

"It means someone put drugs in your drink. What's your favourite sport out of all them you do?"

"Figure skating."

"What's your biggest insecurity?"

"I don't have any."

"Good girl. Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Are you a virgin?"


"Do you wish you weren't?"

"I don't know."

"What's your favourite movie?"

"My parents don't like me watching tv so I don't have one."

"Do you like music?"

"I love music. The only songs I know are ones that I do with performances with."

"Tell me something no one knows about you."

"I don't have anything to say."

"What is your favourite book? I have saw you reading and you go to the library a lot."

"Well I do not really have a favourite. I do really like to kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee. That's what im reading, well that's what I was reading." I look down at my lap, hoping my comment doesn't make him mad.

"I don't have to ask what your favourite colour is because it is quite obvious. what's your favourite food?"

"I don't have one, but probably any fruit."

"If you could be with anyone in the world right now who would you pick?"

"I wouldn't. I would prefer to be alone."

"I felt that way before I met you. Favourite place?"

"The ocean."

"What's an opinion you have that most people don't agree with?"

"I have a lot."

"I make the rest of my questions them, tell me."

"Well first, people over react with murder, suicide, rape, any way of death or harm to someone. It only hurts because they got themselves attached to that person. its not what happened to the person that makes it bad but the connections the person has with people. If you think about it, when a bad person dies, people say they deserve it. Not because it is karma or anything but because they have no emotional connection towards them. But people they do have connection towards they will feel sympathy or sadness towards. Its not the actions that are bad, that's normal. Animals kill all the time, its how us humans bring emotions into everything. Second, I don't really believe in mental illness'. I get people can need professional help but I don't think they can be mentally ill. I just think humans like to take apart things that make us different and instead of it just being a personality, its an illness. They cant deal with the fact that some people are just different and say its a bad thing, and I don't think laws or money should be a thing. I think we would do just fine without laws because we wouldn't know what would be illegal. its the fact that they are illegal makes most people want to do it, for the thrill."

"There you go." he smiles.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Your personality. A real opinion of your own."

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