The "Claws"

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"We each walk the land and share its bounties. We live where we do to draw energy from our natural environments and strengthen our powers." ~An experienced queen from eons ago.

"These scrolls depict the nature of five different dragon species. It is wise to familiarize yourself with your rivals if you are to meet them in battle." ~ Glacier, the WindClaw teacher.

FireClaws: Thin dragons that live in the Mountain Kingdom. Their bodies are hot to the touch. This warmth is intensified by lounging at the tops of tall peaks to absorb the sunshine.

Appearance: Many FireClaws share a similar trait; the crimson color of their scales. Some may appear coppery brown, whilst others may even bear specks of dazzling sunshine yellow or citrus orange. Their claws are long and hooked, adapted to clinging on to sheer cliffs. Two sickle-shaped daggers adorn the ends of their wings to provide further stability. Their horns are jagged and rough, much like splintering bark.

Powers: FireClaws are the only known species of dragon that can breathe fire. An experienced FireClaw who's honed his or her abilities can even summon flames from their scales. This has only been documented a handful of times.

Queen: Sparkspyre, the one who burns.

WaterClaws: A faction of sea-dwelling dragons who live in the Ocean Kingdom. By pulsing their gills, they're able to filter salt water through their bodies and survive for long periods of time without oxygen.

Appearance: WaterClaws are normally dark or bright blue, with some rarities even resembling clumps of seaweed. Thick webs adorn their paws and tails, making it easier to battle strong ocean currents. A large set of gills often frame their necks and parts of their lower jaw. Many of these dragons do not use their wings for flying, although they are able to if they wish it. WaterClaws have attained short horizontal horns over many generations.

Powers: All WaterClaws are able to propel large quantities of water out of their mouths. This is only possible if they've practiced the swallowing and pressuring of such water. This, paired with deadly stomach acid, makes for a powerful weapon.

Queen: Marinepearl, the one who gives.

EarthClaws: These dragons make their homes in the Forest Kingdom. Many, if not all EarthClaws are timid and shy. They do not like outsiders.

Appearance: EarthClaws range anywhere from dark brown to glimmering emerald. Large frills run along the tops of their necks to the tips of their tails. Some scroll writers claim this is a camouflage method, whilst others argue that the sails provide shade from the harsh heat. EarthClaws have padded paws that muffle footsteps, and massive, bat-like ears. They evolved in such a way to catch prey on the forest floor. Horn shape varies.

Powers: A myth tells of EarthClaws being able to summon mighty earthquakes. To date however, these dragons have no supernatural abilities.

Queen: Springblossom, the one who advises.

WindClaws: WindClaws are elusive dragons who live in the Snow Kingdom. They feed off of cold climates and gather nutrients from limestone.

Appearance: WindClaws are very commonly a blinding white, with some of their scales exhibiting twinkling silver flecks. They are built thin and tall, with razor-like wings that cut through the air. This aids flight in many cases, as the Snow Kingdom is flat and often windy. Many dragons fear the size of the WindClaws. Long winding horns adorn their heads, thick and sharpened to a point. Some tales state that these horns make a whistling sound during the mating season.

Powers: WindClaws have aerated pores at the base of their salivary glands. During warm weather, this trait allows the attacker to spit venomous fluid. When temperatures drop below freezing, bullets of hyper-cold, acidic liquid are instead shot from those same pores. When this makes contact with a rival's skin, large welts can appear and spread to more vital regions of the body. Instances of death have been recorded in response to this.

Queen: Iceshard, the one who kills.

ShadowClaws: Not much is known about these dragons. They live in an area called the Dark Kingdom, which is hidden by mist for the majority of the year.

Appearance: ShadowClaws are pitch black. Their scales glitter in a confusing way. Dragons who have seen a ShadowClaw have spoken of their elegant horns. They are said to twist and spiral upwards like dark, glimmering tree branches.

Powers: ShadowClaws are myths in a lot of ways. They exist, but nobody really knows what they can do. Some say that they possess animus abilities such as telekinesis. Others argue that ShadowClaws summon spirits of the dead. Other than weak sources, ShadowClaws have no solidly explainable powers.

Queen: Unknown.

Author's Note: Open the map in a new tab to zoom in and check everything out! Also, as of February 2020, this story is under intense revisions. So if you happen to have read the story back again since I started writing it, it might be tweaked a tad! Thank you all for your continued support!

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