"Balam, are those picture books?"

"Um.. yea...." He mumbled.

"Do you like picture books?"

"I guess.. It's totally okay if you think it's weird-- I know it's childish-"


Balam looked at me wide eyed.

"What are they about?" I asked.

"Uh, they're about animals.. and plants." He replied.

"Ah, do you like biology?"

"Y-yes! I do!"

"How long have you been learni--"

"Ehem." Kalego said.

"Oops, sorry~ I'll get back to work!" I grinned.

Suddenly we heard a battle cry, followed by a helpless scream afterwards.

"Is that..." Balam gasped.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? LET'S GO!" I shouted as I started running towards the sound.

"Wait up, Kurai!" Kalego yelled behind me as he started running too.

Balam quickly got the memo and was close behind Kalego.

(Top floor of the first year tower)
We closely creaked open the door to the top of the tower, and there we saw a pile of students, all unconscious.

But there was a shadow on top of the pile, looking out to the sunset.

"Holy shit." I mumbled under my breath.

"Um.. I.... uhh.." Balam froze up.

The figure on top of the pile slowly turned around, to reveal a person with black curly hair, two horns, and an androgynous look.

"It... IT WAS YOU!" Kalego screamed.

The figure jumped down from the pile and walked a bit closer to us.

"I.. uh... we... ahaha..." Balam stuttered.

The figure jumped at Kalego, punching him in the face.
Kalego was pushed back against the wall where the door was.

"I'M SORRY!! PLEASE SPARE U--" I screamed as the shadow leader kicked Kalego's stomach just as he got up, and he was now fully unconscious.

"KALEGO!!-" I yelled out as I ran towards him.
I looked at him, then the shadow leader, then him, then the shadow leader.

"My name is Opera. I'm a second year. Nice to meet you."

"THAT'S NOT A VERY FRIENDLY WAY OF SAYING HI!" I screamed, checking if Kalego had any wounds.

"Oops." Opera just stood there as I checked up on him.
"Well, I'll be on my way. Don't be scared when you see me again." Opera said plainly as they walked over to the door and left.

"W......what just... happend.." Balam muttered.

"I.. don't know." I blinked, "Let's get him to the nurses office."

(Kalego POV)

I jolted up in suprise, looking around desperately.

Shichiro was beside me, sitting on a stool. He looked unconscious.

I noticed that we were all in the nurses office, and I was in a bed.

I can't recall much, but I definitely saw the pile of bodies.

Wait, something feels heavy..
I looked down to notice that Kurai were resting her head on me. She was also sitting on a stool, but the upper part of her body slumped down onto my thighs.

I smack her head, and she groggly yelled out, "5 MORE MINUTES!!"

I smack her head again, and she finally regained consciousness, "Huh.. ah.. oh, Kalego!"

I sit on the bed, arms crossed. My cheeks feel hot, but I'll never tell her.

"Hey Kalego. You got roughed up pretttty hard." Kurai grinned.

"By who."

"Opera senpai." Kurai bluntly said.

And who the hell is Opera.

"Oh.. you don't know Opera. They're the shadow leaders real name."

Where both blink in silence, but who knew such silence would say so much.

"Hey, Kalego.." Shichiro groggly said as he also woke up, "Thankfully we got you to the nurse office sooner. They were going to leave soon, but we managed to let them tend to your wounds."

"Hm. Thanks.." I mumbled.

"Let's get you home, we'll walk home with you!"

"Y-yea... thanks."

1075 words
Idk if I should change this to Kalego x oc 😳😳😳

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