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It has been a few days and no one else has followed Skittery because they didn't want to get hurt or see what he was going to do to someone. Ashley had been to scared to hangout with Skittery that he has been questioning why she hasn't talked to him in awhile. More of the newsies asked Ash what happened and she told them. Now every newsie including Spot had known what happened. Skittery didn't know that they were talking about it so he was still going out and killing. Jack decided that he and all the newsies except Skittery should go talk about what they should do.

Jack-Okay so now that everyone is here what should we do?

Spot-Well Ashlyn was the only one to see it so maybe she'll have an idea.

Ash-I don't really. I'm still shocked that I saw that happen.

Bumlet-I can say that if we follow him and stop him from killing someone he might try to hurt us even though we're his friends.

Specs-Probably so we're just going to have to stop him.

Swifty-We better do it soon because he is out again and not here.

They decided to make the plan to stop him but will it work? A few more days go past and Jack asked Skittery to meet him at Meddas place. Jack told the newsies to go there too so they could chat with him. They all were there now and Skittery walked in.

Skittery-Uh Jack what is everyone doing here?

Jack-We all need to talk to you, especially Ash.

Skittery-Um okay?



Ash-I saw you kill someone.

Skittery just stands there in shock because he thought no one would ever see him kill someone.


Ash-Skittery how long have you been killing people?

Skittery-I..um..well since jack told us to be ambasturds.

Jack-Skitts that was like three months ago.

Skittery-Yes I know.

Ash-But why have you been doing it?


Boots-Were you killing the people who made the price of papes higher?



Skittery-WHAT If I didn't the price wouldn't have gone down.

Jack-So you killed them.


Everyone looks at each other then back to Skittery. They never thought that, that would have been his reason for killing people. They continued talking to him and asking him question they even asked if he would stop but he said he didn't know if he could. A few hours later Skittery was gone again. Blink, Race, Mush, Boots and Ash never thought that Skittery would actually be killing people; they only had a suspicion.

A few days later they couldn't find Skittery. He has been missing for a few days so they were getting worried. Ash and boots would try to find him everyday but never could. A day later Specs walked up to Race, Ash and Mush and asked them a question.

Specs-Guys? Have you seen Bumlets? I can't find him anywhere.
(Sigh we're having my ships happen because I can)

Ash-No I haven't seen him since yesterday.

Mush-Last I saw him, he was with Itey.

Specs-Okay I'll go talk to Itey. Thanks.

Race-We'll go ask around too. See if we can find him

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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