Chapter 4:Pink Envelope

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Chapter 4:Pink Envelope

"Toshikuni, did you enjoy the night school? Did you make any friends?"The woman in the green yukata asked cheerfully.

"No."Muzan replied coldly.

The woman's smile seemed to drop."Okay, but try to socialize with people, okay?"

"Okay."Muzan replied before walking pass her.

The woman glanced at her husband before glancing at his walking away form.

Muzan opened his room door before placing his bag on the study table.

He had been able to take some plant samples, all he needed was to experiment.

He took a seat before pulling his books out, his brows furrowed.

Among his books was a pink envelope with a heart shape.

Muzan picked it up before ripping it open.

Dear Toshikuni,

You are probably wondering who sent you this letter but I would give you a hint.

She has shoulder length hair, you're secret admirer


Muzan stared at the note for a few seconds before ripping it and thrusting into the dust bin.

Yuri sat nervously at her desk in her house before sighing loudly.

She wondered what Toshikuni's reaction would be to the letter she snuck into his bag.

Perhaps, he would find out and feel the same.

Yuri giggled before blushing.

She really hoped he felt the same way.

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