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I woke up with the sound of an annoying ringtone echoing through my ear.
I got up, using my arms to push my body up, and immediately grabbed my phone to turn off the alarm.
I sighed. 'Today's the big day' I say to myself.
I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.
As I was doing so, I began getting lost in my thoughts.
This University, it's gotta be full of snobby rich kids. it's the most high rated and best school in town, obviously there's gonna be a lot of rich kids who's family probably pays the school and stuff. But maybe some aren't snobby, maybe some will be nice, maybe nice to me too. I smiled at the thought of finally having some friends.
I was quickly taken out of my trance as I heard my sisters signature knock followed by her yelling. "Mom says you need to get out, you're wasting water!" I quickly turn off the faucet and dry off, getting dressed as well.
I looked at myself in the mirror, wearing my beige Woodstock shirt with my vibrant blue pants and to top it off, the necklace my mom gave me, rocking the peace sign.
I actually looked pretty good, I guess going to the gym a bit during Summer wasn't a bad idea after all!
I smiled at myself in the mirror but calmed myself down as I walked down the hall to the dining room.
As I walked into the dining room I could already smell the aroma of my mom's amazing cooking, I'm hoping to learn a bit from her sometime.
I saw that my dad and sister were sitting down at the table, talking about her education.
I sat down next to my sister.
"Morning, Brock" my dad said, giving me a nice smile.
"Morning dad!" The excitement in my voice was hard to hide, "someone's excited, is it because it's your first day at your new fancy University?" Guess it was easy to tell that the excitement was there. "Yeah! I'm super pumped about it!" I hit the air with my fists, making my sister laugh.
My dad gave me another smile as he shook his head. "I'm proud of you, kid. Doing something you're old man couldn't!" I giggled a bit, still, this made me really happy.
I love my family.
I felt the Aroma getting closer and I was soon greeted both by my mom and by a plate of delicious food.
"This looks amazing mom!" My sister said.
"I'm sure it tastes just as amazing too!" I added.
Our mother giggled at our comments and we soon ate after she sat down.
We normally eat in silence, both because well, we're eating, and also because we all like to be in our own thoughts in the morning.
This made me go back into my trance from when I was in the shower.
I wonder what it'll be like there, I wonder what the people will be like there. I'm excited for this year and the rest to come.

I was getting my stuff together, stuffing all of it in my backpack, I'd just organize it later.
I walked out the door with my dad and sister, my dad used to drive me to school on his way to work, but after my sister started going to school, I decided it was best to just walk, I didn't want my dad wasting gas. And I like walking to school, yeah the neighborhood wasn't the best but I got to listen to my music and I got to be in my thoughts.
on my way I stopped at my best friends house.
I only waited maybe 2 minutes or so until I saw the door swing open and out came Lui. He was waving bye to his mom. He closed the door and saw me, getting excited, he slid down the railing of his stairs. Me and him did our signature handshake. "Alright good to know it's still you in there" Lui said, smirking. His comment made me laugh and my laughing made him join me.
After we were done we started to walk down the road, having some simple conversations and such.
Last I saw him was yesterday but he still acted as if it was a whole decade the last we were together.
I shook my head and chuckled thinking about how strange Lui is, but he isn't strange in a bad way.
He's just something else.

As we walked onto Campus both our eyes lit up, Lui spinned around to take in everything around him.
Being on campus just made me even more excited for what was to come!
We walked into the school and still had to take in everything.
It was beautiful, every piece of the school was delicately designed and it was painted a whitish-yellow color, along with gold. The entire place was just stunning.
Lui grabbed my hand, wanting to drag me around and explore. But I declined. "Lui, we have to go to our lockers, school starts in only 35 minutes!" I said, shocked, I just realized we only had 35 minutes before classes and we haven't even adjusted to our classes or even talked about our schedules!
I took out my phone to look at the text message my dad sent to me after the conference he had with my new teachers and the staff, I skimmed through it and found my locker number and code.
I'm guessing Lui did the same because he kept repeating different numbers under his breath. The school may have been loud, but Lui was louder. We walked to our lockers to find they were about 6 lockers away from each other. I smiled, I was happy I would be able to be with Lui during the school day. As I unloaded all my stuff, I went back into my trance again. But I wasn't thinking about the school anymore.
I was the first choice for the school, and Lui however, was not. He wasn't a choice at all. He never signed up for a sport or had good grades. But I told them that if he didn't go, neither did I, which made them have to let Lui go with me. I'm glad I was able to convince them, all they wanted in return was for Lui to join a sport to up his gpa a bit.
I was quickly snapped back into reality as everyone started to crowd around the door close to our lockers. I quickly got my books and went with Lui to see what all the commotion was about.
I watched as 7 guys walked into the school through the previously closed door.
They all walked in with an effortless strut and perfect posture. The one in the front, who I believe is the leader, had Raven black hair, and wore clothes that matched with his hair, apparently black was his color. He was being accompanied by a little taller guy with the same color hair as him, but this guy liked color a lot more than the smaller latter did as he wore a green flannel with a white undershirt, although he did wear the same black jeans as the other guy. There were two other boys with them as well, one next to the guy in the green flannel, and one next to the leader. The one next to the leader also had black hair, he had a blue hoodie with a striped black and gray shirt underneath. What was weirder about his attire was his mask that covered his entire face, it was a hockey mask that had a couple red marks on it. Then the guy next to the one in the green flannel had brownish-blonde hair, glasses, and was wearing a puffy blue jacket with a white polo shirt underneath. Then behind them were 3 other guys, one of them was black with dreads, he wore a digital-Tee and had beige cargo pants on.
My mind started to drift off into space as I admired their outfits, not wanting to comprehend any more of it since I probably wasn't going to need any of this knowledge about these people.
But I guessed they were the popular kids of the school and decided to go on with my day, until I ended up locking eyes with one of the guys. He had beautiful blue eyes, dark and light mixing together to form those orbs. Stripped shirt, black jeans, messy yet perfectly made brownish-blonde hair. Once he realized we were making eye contact he looked elsewhere, anywhere other than my eyes.

Never YoursNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ