"You have lost your mind" she scoffed, shaking her head. "Let me guess she's sleeping in your room now too? You'll get a frame that says Mr and Mrs Salvatore? What other sick fantasy do you want to recreate?"

"Enough" Damon interrupted her. "Why are you out of your cave anyways?"

"Decided to get out. I was getting bored and good thing I did if you hadn't told me about all this I could've died if I wasn't invited in" she mentioned and leaned on the porch and let Luna down to look around outside.

"That was my plan to finally get you out of your room" he replied making Stefan chuckle but she just glared at both of them.

She then turned back to the door watching as Elena walked over to them with the man that was just inside helping her sign all the paperwork.

"Thank you, Mr. Henry." Elena said and stood at the entrance waiting for them to walk in.

Both brothers went to walk in but were pushed aside by aurora.

"Invite me in now" she demanded and Damon stepped forward.

"Rory...there was a reason we did this, stuff has changed..."

"Does it look like I give a damn?" Aurora interrupted. "Let me in now" she looked at Elena waiting for the girl to let her in.

Elena looked over to Damon waiting for his approval and the man just nodded defeated.

"Aurora you may come in" Elena said and stepped aside.

Aurora just smirked and looked back to find Luna who had wandered off. "Luna! Mi amor let's go!" The cat immediately appeared and was already at the girl's side.

Once Aurora saw the cat she entered the house and made sure to bump Elena in a rude way and headed to the living room to sit down while Luna had already sat next to her on the couch letting the girl pet her.

"That's a cute cat," Bonnie said, making Aurora look over to her.

"Have I ever spoken to you?" Aurora asked and the witch nodded. "You're the witch, correct?"

"I'm Bonnie" the girl introduced and Aurora just looked away from her.

Aurora didn't make small talk with people unless it interested her or if she got something out of it, which was the case with Elijah a few days ago.

She kept thinking what was next for them Elijah was dead which seemed to be the only thing they had in their way but now they were waiting on Klaus and Aurora knew it wasn't going to be easy to get rid of him.

"You" Damon said, walking in staring straight at Aurora making her turn to him. "What are you doing out?"

"Oh I'm sorry am I not allowed to go out?" Aurora asked, crossing her arms and her legs.

"You are, the only thing is when you do you cause trouble so I ask again what are you doing out?" Damon repeated again. He had a lot on his agenda and dealing with Aurora today wasn't on it.

"I was bored plus I heard there was a dance today" she went to reach out for her bag to get up the couch.

"Oh no little girl you're staying here I don't have time for you" Damon said stopping her from getting up.

"New flash dad im not fifteen anymore I can do whatever I want plus I thought you'd be happy that your daughter is going back to school plus when have you ever had time for me?" Aurora got up from her seat grasping onto her bag.

Damon just glared at her like it was competition. If she broke she lost but aurora never lost she was too stubborn she never lost their staring games Damon was always the one to break mainly because aurora always said something that would make him think and would cause him to break.

𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦- E. Mikaelson Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat