Chapter 34 - Lupin

Start from the beginning

"I know Y/N" Remus says seeming to be in his own thoughts "sometimes I wish I was too, normal"

"What would you be" Y/N asks

"I'd live in the muggle world, own a book store that had a small cafe next to it" Remus replies fondly "it'd be peaceful, easy living"

Y/N smiles "It sounds nice"

"What about you" Lupin asks and the Ravenclaw goes quiet, thinking about her answer

"I think I'd live in the muggle world too, in a quiet neighbourhood." Y/N starts "I'd work at a coffee shop during the day and go off with my coworkers to the local bar. There we'd drink, play
Pool and maybe I'd sing there when I get the chance. After that I'd come home and be greeted by my dogs and fall asleep only to do the same thing the next day"

"It sounds peaceful" Lupin says and Y/N nods

"But we can never have it" she says quietly and Remus puts his hand in the girls shoulder.

"Unfortunately not" he replies and the two stay quiet for a while before Y/N speaks up.

"Can I tell you something, I've been afraid to kind of say to anyone because I don't think they'll understand" she asks and Remus nods. "Sometimes I just think it would be easier just to give up, like it would be easier to be what everyone expects me to be"

"But is that what you really want" Lupin asks "to be a pureblood fanatic like majority of the Black family and join the dark lord to take over the wizarding world"

"No" Y/N replies quickly "no I don't want that, but I just think it would be easier for me to be what the ministry expects of me. I wouldn't have to fight so hard to change their mind and be something different you know"

"Unfortunately, forging your own path in this world is hard when legacy is envoled" Remus says "it's similar with the werewolves, it was only last year they were asking me to join their pack which is lead by the dark lord, but I refused."

"But why did you" Y/N asks

"Because that's not who I am, even if it made it harder for me to get by day after day. But I'd do it again" Lupin replies

"So your not upset about me thinking like this" the Ravenclaw asks and Remus smiles

"Your a good kid Y/N, and I know that you would never join the dark lord after what he has done to you and your family." He says and a small smile forms on Y/N face. "But I would say it's probably best to keep this to yourself, you're right that others would find this hard to understand"

"Thank you, and I wouldn't join him not ever it's just, I'm tired you know. I'm tired of trying and have it blow up in my face" Y/N explains and Remus nods.

"I know Y/N, I understand" he says and smiles reassuringly "I know that you feel the need to carry the weight of your family's burdens on your shoulders, but you don't. There are people around you that love you, remember that"

"I'll try" Y/N says and Remus smiles and gets up from his seat.

"Good" he replies "now I'm going to get some dinner sorted and Tonks should be home any minute"

"Could you tell my aunt that I'm here" Y/N asks and Remus smiles

"I already did" he replies and Y/N smiles

"Thank you" Y/N says and Remus smiles and heads back into the kitchen.

The Ravenclaw stayed in the living room and rummaged through the bag she took and pulled out the spell book Dumbledore had given her. She hadn't had a chance to look through it as Hermione thought her girlfriend would be tempted to try out the spells whilst her arm was healing and she wouldn't be wrong. So Y/N sits on the couch and starts to read whilst Remus cooks.

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