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Hey everyone, so this will be my first fanfic ever which I am very excited about. So if you haven't figured out from the cover this is going to be about super heroes as I thought it would be very fun to write about and enjoyable to read about.

If you want to tweet me anything my twitter is: nialltron.
I hope you guys enjoy the story!

xx Zed

The sirens blared so loudly I could barely hear the innocent screams of children in the next room.

The lights rapidly flickered on and off in bright blood red. Hauling the fire extinguisher from the corner of the room, I flung it with a mighty force at the door holding the children. It burst open and I did not waste any time dashing into the almost flooded room. Water gushed out and pooled at my feet. How did they break out from the pods?

I feebly pushed my glasses higher up my nose. Ignoring my now drenched lab coat. The room was torn apart, broken beakers on the floor, shards of the many flasks I kept scattered on the floor, I gazed beneath me to see cracks on the floor, a gaping hole in the middle. Eight children huddled in the corner tears sliding down their flushed faces. The other two kids stood in front of them, the girl, red faced in anger holding her hand up in the air, a few centimeters away from her finger tips a slab of of cement floated, ready to throw. Next to her a boy, shaking in what seemed like pure ferocity , hands glowing a deep shade of violet, veins perturbing all over his body also in a violet hue.

I wearily held my hand up, "Constance, Hayes, calm down, just tell me what happened and we can sort this out." I was desperate at this point, my pride was the least thing I had to worry about.

Constance did not respond, instead she menacingly raised her foot, narrowing her doe like brown eyes at me. I ran towards her but to no avail, she brought her tiny frail foot back down to the floor. In a second the whole floor erupted in violent shakes, accurately resembling an earthquake. Ceiling debris cascaded down bashing everything under it. The other children dodged it skillfully but I unfortunately was not fast enough.

A large boulder hurdled down and onto the lower half of my body, disabling me from moving and crushing half of my body, I screamed in agony as I heard my bones crack and crunch. The only place not affected was a small circle of space around the rebelling children. Helplessly I flailed around, knocking off my glasses in the process.

How could this happen? I shouldnt have inserted an extra dose of minpheline. The eight children in front of me tumbled down to the floor as well, scared shrieks escaping their mouths at the sight of me.

Constance and Hayes saw their chance and sprinted out the door, Hayes stamping on my glasses on the way out.

As soon as the shaking stopped, silence engulfed the nine of us. I laid there, weak and severely injured. I already lost a lot of blood. I knew that this time I wouldn't come through.

"Dr. Heinz!" The curly haired boy wobbled toward me falling to his knees in from of me.

I looked at the girl behind him, sobbing excessively and shaking uncontrollably, the other two girls in tears as well, they held her in an attempt to console her. She whimpered and sat next to the boy, holding her tiny little hand in my calloused ones.

"Daddy, please don't die, I dont have any one left, we don't have anyone." She sqeezed my hand gently tugging it in an innocent manner, as if to try an pull me out of the debris. The curly haired boy stood up, heaving the boulder off me easily.

I let out a groan and coughed, "Thank you Harry, I see you have put your powers to good use." I smiled at him.

Zayn slowly walked towards me from behind the group, laying his hand gently on my leg, it stayed there for a while but nothing happened, he began to cry as well, "I- I cant heal you? Why isnt it working?"

I shook my head at him, gasping for air, the pain was becoming unbearable, I was losing time.

"Listen all of you very closely, I have blessed you with these powers, and although most of you have not developed them well yet, I want you to always put these magnificent powers of yours to good use. Do not stray from the path I have paved for you, do not follow Constances and Hayes's ways. I want you to grow up forming a strong bond, protect this city of ours from danger, and from those two." I paused heaving violently, my daughter clinging on to me harder. Her light brown hair swaying.

I looked into her eyes and continued, "Trina, even though I will be gone I want you to know that you have these people surrounding you as your family, they will take care of you, and you will take care of them, you are never alone."

My vision began to cloud in darkness my voice just over a whisper. "Do not let anyone know what you are children, no matter how much you trust them, your secrets stay hidden, your identity a mystery to all."

I coughed out some blood, staring at the destroyed ceiling above me, the sky in view. I took my last breath in the presence of the children, the children who i have experimented on all their life, it was for the greater good I reminded myself. Now all I could hope is that they could survive on their own, with nothing but each other, and of course their powers.

I know this is quite short but it is just the prologue, there is much more to come.

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