Dark Natasha: my girl

Start from the beginning

I can see her smiling as I made our baby boy laugh. It made me really think about how could she be cheating or anything like that, if she's this happy with us. It doesn't fit Natasha's character at all, throughout our marriage she's been nothing but supportive and loyal.

The day passed and Nat and I went to the store. I was picking out the meat when a man beside me accidentally bumped my shoulder.

Man: Watch it lady!

Y/n: excuse you!

Natasha must of heard my voice because she comes back with Nate in the buggy seat. The man turns around.

Man: What did you say lady?!

Y/n: I said excuse you, you bumped into me! No reason to be rude about it!

The man and I were going back and forth but I held my ground. Who the hell does this fucker think he is, he got too close for my liking and that's when I see a hand grip his shirt slinging him to the side. I pull Nate closer to me and see Natasha hold this man in place before pushing him to the ground.

Natasha: Don't you ever talk to my wife again!!

She growled it lowly before leaving the groaning man on the floor and moving us quickly to the checkout. She looked tense.

Y/n: Baby...

Natasha: I'm fine Y/n, are you hurt???

Her eyes scanned my body as she nodded that I wasn't before continuing to checkout then things we got.

I had never seen her get that angry before.

By the time, we got home Nate was asleep and it was dark outside. Natasha had put up all the groceries and took care of Nate while I prepared to sleep as well. After she was done she looked at me tiredly.

Natasha: I'm so sorry to do this to you again babe but Fury is asking for me. I'll be back before you wake up, okay?

I just nodded my head even though I wasn't buying it. Tonight I will follow her to see where she's going this late. It's obvious she won't drop the lies anytime soon.

It was finally dark and Nat had already left just a couple minutes ago. I saw her lean close to my face to see if I was asleep before leaving. I got dressed quickly and followed her but not before making sure Nate was safe and secure along with the house alarms on. I see her use one of our cars to drive away but before she does she forgets something in the shack. I quickly get in the third row of backseats so she wouldn't be able to see me on the floor. I hear the trunk open and she dumps what sounds like metal?? Maybe some tools? Before driving off to god knows where. I have my phone connected to the house so I can keep an eye on Nate since I'm away. She drives for what feels like an hour before dumping something very heavy into the trunk of the car.

She groaned while lifting it and it smelled horrible! I gagged without making sound as she drove back.

We finally stopped and I heard her drag whatever from the back out along with the metal tools she had. Once she was gone and outside is when I realized she drove back to our house. I peeked from the tinted window and saw her dragging a man to the wood part of our backyard. I looked in terror as I saw my wife carrying this most likely dead man into the woods.

I quickly follow behind her to see who she was dragging. I was steady on my feet and made sure not to be heard but of course Nat was always sharp, she looked around before going back to her digging. The hole was already pretty deep. I looked at little closer at the body and saw it was the rude man from the grocery store. The man had been strangled and beat up it seems, then Nat throws him in the mackshift grave. Then proceeded to bury him, I had enough of this! There was no way in hell I was going to stay here with this woman who's murdering random people.

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