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The faces of fear fed him appropriately

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The faces of fear fed him appropriately. Students that wears a 'mask' and pretend to be completely different are borderline hilarious. But they are mostly pathetic and despicable outcasts.

Once a small fish confronts a larger fish, the little fish tends to shrink and swallow its own pride. Similar to what's happening right now in the pentagon courtyard.

The group of werewolves that consider themselves 'tough' were terrified standing before Y/n.

The reason for the confrontation was the fur balls decided to mingle with innocent lives. Use unnecessary words to embarrass another outcast and play them like a fiddle.

Y/n normally don't like sticking out of the dark because of obvious reasons.

The sunlight is way too bright, bunch of students starts to whisper around him, and Enid who magically appears right beside him. She would follow him for the rest of the day and continue to bother him about officially being friends.

But watching a group of outcasts shove another outcast who has no sense of defending themselves is unenjoyable. Not worth a single applaud.

"Let him go dhampire freak!"

One of the werewolves shouted out in rage.

Y/n was holding one of the werewolves group member in his right hand. The young werewolf whined and pleaded to be set free, afraid of what's gonna happen to him.

"Now~ Why would I let him walk free when you didn't listen to the girl pleads? Answer that basic question and I'll let him go."

No answer was given.

"Great response. Now you get to first-hand experience your first ever death presented right in front of you," A devious smile crawled up to Y/n face.

This alerted the group of wolves as they stepped forward, ready to lunge at the pale teenager. But before that can happen, a bright girl with colorful hair randomly ran beside Y/n.

"Let him go Y/n! This isn't worth it." Enid told the pale teenager, but he did not loosen his grip on the poor werewolf.

"Enid don't speak for these rubbish people. They don't know how to act until a clear example is introduced. One life don't hurt right?"

Enid shook her head and kept persuading him to drop everything. "Come on Y/n! Principle Weems might get involved and you'll get punished."

"For what? Bothering to stick up for the ones that can't do it themselves? I should be praised if anything." Y/n said.

The panicking girl ran out of verbal ideas and screwed it by using her strength to push Y/n and herself to the ground.

The boy that was being held hostage quickly scrambled to his feet and retreat.

Enid rubbed her head in pain. Next time she shouldn't do that so suddenly without preparing first. She opened her eyes and got off the ground before looking over to Y/n.

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