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Long ago....There once was a princess named Devil.She was an enchanting, free spirited princess.

Devil had grown in a castle that was filled with light in every direction and her parents, the King and the Queen.

While she knew she was royalty,she also knew she was not allowed to play with people less fortunet to her.There for she had very few friends in her life.From the moment she was born she was fed,changed,and taught,that people are to obey her,but that if a royal,that she was to be kind to and respect them,she had to obey them,such as her parents.She was also very lonely,and so she was very strong.

So as you could imagine when her mother,the Queen,told her that she had to choose a prince to marry her,she said,"Pardon!?"

"My dear child, you must choose a prince to marry you,"The Queen looked at her with graceful posture.

Devil bit the bottom of her lip,for this was a sign that she might not get to do what she wanted any more,such as take care of her children if she where to have any,"Exactly how long may I be allowed to chose a suitable king?"The Queen stood up from her royal blue seat and curtsied,"You may have as much time that you need,but you must have a husband by your 17th birthday."The Queen then walked out of Devil's room and closed the door behind her.

Devil looked around her room,in her room she saw her bed with her favorite white blanket and pillows on it, perfectly made,next to her bed she saw her dresser with a mirror on it.Finally,on the other half of her bedroom she saw her balcony.She slowly walked towards her dresser.In the mirror she saw her reflection. She was pail,and she had a white-blonde color hair,and then she saw her eyes.They where a light shade of silver and blue. Devil sighed,"Uuuuggghhhh!What am I going to do!?I mean I'm only a teenager!"


"Huh?"Devil jumped at the knocking.

"Um.....Princess Devil?I have brought your outfit for this afternoon,"said a familiar voice behind the door.

Oh,she thought,it'sjustRob.

Devil cleared her thraught,"Um,yes would you be a dear,and put it on my bed please?"

The door clicked and Robert slowly walked into the room and put the cloths on the princesses bed,"Is that all Madam?"

Devil started to walk towards Rob,"Oh...Yes can you give me a favor and tell my mother to come to my bedroom before my teachings?"Robert bowed and told her yes.He then curticed and walked out of the room.
Sorry this is just a rough draft.
Ok so like,comment,and if you want to be crazy follow me!
Well you just keep being your beautiful panda self!bye😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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