Chapter 1

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Hi here's my story, thanks for selecting :)


" Scarlett get up now, or they're going to suspect something", i sighed and rolled over, trying to ignore my older brother Alex. He shook my shoulder a few times and then apparently giving up, he left my room. i sighed contentedly and closed my eyes, that was before i felt something heavy land on my back. i yelled out knowing Alex had something to do with the object balanced precariously on my back. i sighed and then stood up, or tried to. As soon as i moved the object fell of my back and the next second i was drenched in freezing water. i threw my head back in annoyance just in time to see my brother holding a now empty bucket of water and grinning happily. i ran into my bathroom and ran a bath of steaming water, determined to make my brother wait for what he did to me.

I stepped out of the bathroom in my wooly PJ's with a teddy bear face on them, i know its strange for a fourteen year old to have teddy PJ's but they are so soft. As expected Alex was sitting on my bed playing on his phone, waiting for me. "so what do you want to talk about" i asked brightly, knowing perfectly well that he was going to ask me to not snitch on him for coming in late/early from a party and making me wait up for him, so our parents wouldn't see him drunk. "i'm sorry lettuce", i glared at him, he knew i hated lettuce, and not only as a name.

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