Easy Day - Chapter 3

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"Agree, however we really can't do anything but to comply with them. This mission sucks." Dazai responds. The ginger in front of him nods.

"Take advantage of this and use your ability as you please, just don't use corruption of course." The tall brunette says, trying to make some good out of this.

"I'm not stupid, of course I won't use corruption. After all I barely even need my ability, I'll probably just use my martial arts skills and use my energy for something else. But I am quite interested in seeing their quirks though." Chuuya replies.

"Mm.. yeah I guess I agree, even though we could probably take them all down easily." Dazai responds nonchalantly. The shorter male in front of him has no objection on agreeing with him.


"Oh wow, look at Dazai and Nakahara-san's hero costumes!" Hagakure points out as she talks to the girls

"Oh my godd the vintage look suits them so well!" Mina says squeaking.

"Damn it! Those new guys are stealing all the girls' attention!" Mineta says furiously.

"I know right!" Kaminari replies, agreeing with the toddler sized teen.

"Yeah but you gotta admit they look pretty cool." Kirishima says jumping into their conversation, trying to change their mindset.

"Honestly they do really stand out as their hero suits are quite unique and sight pleasing." Sero adds on.

"I'm pretty sure in Europe the suits are different, I think they use more formal antique traditional designs than hero costumes like we do here in Japan." Midoriya explains.

"I wonder though, how do their costumes help them at all? I mean yeah it looks nice and all, but other than that I really don't see how it can help them." Saito questions.

"Hm.. you're right, their costumes are quite flashy but I doubt it can actually help them during battle. It most seems like it would be a disadvantage with those suits during the battle since it is quite a bit of layers and heavy clothing." Kirishima responds, questioning his own theory.

"But then again we don't really know their quirks or have seen it in battle. We can't quite judge their costumes yet, I'm sure it helps them somehow during a combat." Sero says, reassuring his friends.

"All I see is some wannabes extras, they probably didn't put any thought into their costumes and just designed something that looked fancy so they could show off!" Bakugou yells out angrily.

"My oh my, that guy really hates it when someone else is better than him." Chuuya says to Dazai, they're a bit distant from everyone else.

"Ehh I wouldn't worry about him too much, even though he has a bratty and disgusting attitude he is still quite smart. I would get on his good side rather than bad one. Sure we're stronger than him, but if he found out who we are it would be a pain in the ass to make him shut up about it or cover his murder." Dazai replies to his partner.

"Also Chuuya remember, don't let them know your full potential. Only do what's necessary, these guys may be class 1-A but they're quirk users, therefore we can easily beat them." The taller brunette redirects the ginger.

"I know I know, plus using corruption is really unnecessary. Like I said I'll mostly just use my physical strength rather than my ability since I'm sure it won't be necessary." The shorter responds, knowing what he us capable of.

"Gather around class 1-A! We will be loading into the bus according to our student numbers in order to load in more efficiently." Iida shouts out to his class, commanding everyone.

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