The end of the dream pt 2

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"It would be nice if we could hurry this up No.3!"
Shijima said impatiently as she watched Kou and Nene fight.Mitsuba sighed in a stressed way and rubbed his eyes,
"She won't listen!I'm getting pissed off!These clouds are getting thicker by the second!I wanna go home!"

"Kou!You can't go any longer can you?"
Nene asked sadly as Kou collapsed onto the floor,
"Your limits are limited,how do you think you can save Amane if you can't even go beyond your own comprehension,and your a famous apparition as well!In the end,as No.7 it's my job to keep you all in line!So just-JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME DO MY JOB!"
Nene cried out tearfully,all her hope washed away when she turned and saw Amane and his brother,in the sky with. . .a flying bike?

Mitsuba used his clawed scarf to scoop up Kou,Shijima and Nene where he placed them into the cart behind the bike that was towing them to the moon.
"Here I go!Full speed ahead to the moon!"
Amane yelled determinedly.
"We're almost there!Just a little longer you guys!"

Tsukasa leaped forward as Nene stood on the gear that was connecting the two contraptions together,
Nene kicked the rear car away from them and the passengers fell down and down further,
"I'm impressed you came all this way,but I'm sorry,I can't let you go Amane."
Amane jumped off and bike,taking Nene with him to get back to the car,they seemed to land on some clouds instead,they bounced on the material before Amane slowly sat up.

"Wow!We're on the clouds!Not bad for a fake world,eh Amane~?"
Amane shoved her to the clouds and stood over her,he had never felt so mad before,this was similar to how he felt when he found out Nene had lied to him,but this was even more painful then before.

"You lied to me,kidnapped me,insulted my brother when he was helping me and now. . .now I-you've ruined everything!My plan was going so well!Your so ungrateful Yashiro!We were almost there to!Why must you hurt so many people to get what you want!?"
"Your life span is going t-"
Nene stopped and sat down,Amane sat next to her and shuddered as his tears fell,he covered his face as he cried.

"I was going to graduate with Tsukasa standing right next to me!We made plans to find an apartment and work together like good brothers do!I was going to help Tsukasa find a job and be by his side like he was always there for me!And then I was gunna go and be an astronaut and go to the moon,oh I just realised. . .my wish got granted,never mind that that'll be for later-I wanted to grow up and go out to drink with my dad and look after my mother!"

Nene looked down,
"I don't want to stay here Yashiro!I don't want to leave for my sake!Tell me why your selfish enough to keep me away from everything I want!"
"That's not what-that's not it Amane!I don't want that for you!You have no future like me!Your creative!Easy to piss off!And you have a super scary but super cute brother!"

"You were destined to die since you first knocked on the door,I thought I never cared about who died. . .I thought I wouldn't!I had my own goals to achieve but I. . ."
Nene held Amane's shoulders and looked down,tears falling down her dirt scuffed face,
"I want you to keep on living Amane."

". . .you know what Tsuchigamori told me once,he told me when humanity first went to the moon,everyone thought any goal could be achieved so-let's go back Nene chan!To the real world!I want to keep living there,to finish this year,and the next and for the next ninety years!Nene san Nene san Nene san,could you please grant my wish?"
Amane held Nene's hand in his own,he felt so warm,Nene blushed and looked away,
"I can't turn you down when you ask like that,ok then!I'll grant your wish Amane kun!"

Amane fell down and crashed straight into Tsukasa's open arms,
Tsukasa hugged Amane as Kou pedalled them to the moon.An erupting crash sent the car flying up higher.Sending them into the moon.

"Sorry Amane,but I won't be going to the moon,if you want to live for the next ninety years,then I'll grant it!Isn't that a little selfish though?I'll prove to you just what I can do,after all!I'm Nene Yashiro of the bathroom!An apparition who grants wishes for the living!As for the price however-"

Nene swung her pointing finger upwards,sending Hakujodai flying above her to the occupants of the cart,she smiled sadly,
"You won't like it one bit.You'll hate me for it,but I suppose it can't be helped."




"We're outside the drawing Amane,it's nice to meet you."
Amane woke up,startled,he saw that his feet were submerged in water.He was in a boundary.He turned and saw Shijima sitting on a chair,drawing again,she turned and smiled at him,
"That me in the painting was another clone of mine,I'd like to talk with you about your life span,it will not extend on returning here you know?What do you plan to do about it?"

"I can't avoid it,maybe I'll visit Akane kun,No.1?"
"That's right!He seems a little fond of your brother!"
"Akane gets along with my brother a lot better than me,Tsukasa doesn't trust Akane kun though,he doesn't trust any of you."
"And I don't blame him,your gunna need my yorishido won't you?I don't need it,I never wanted to be a school mystery to begin with."
Shijima gave Amane the same note book that Mei drew in.He contemplated it before Shijima turned to him,
"You might want to hurry,someone is expecting me and she's not feeling the brightest right now-!I also apologise for forcing you into a fake world."

Amane nodded at her,smiling before he peeled the black sticker off the note book and the boundary collapsed.
"Oh?Too late~get behind me Amane."
Shijima pulled his arm as Aoi walked in,Shijima was right,she wasn't in a good mood.She stared at Shijima intently,
"I already handed in my seat so I won't be paying anything too drastic,and I won't be paying anything that has to do with Amane."

Toilet bound Nene sanWhere stories live. Discover now