The hell of mirrors pt 1

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"So...Nene chan?Kou kun?I have a problem."
Amane chuckled and gave Nene a book,
"It's not like that you guys!It is an apparition though!There are all these hands...growing in the school club book that Akane showed me."
Amane felt uneasy talking to Akane after finding out that he was part of the team that was probably changing the rumours.He shook off the uneasy thoughts and opened to the first page,
"Look!These are...Nene chan!?Kou kun!?Are those you two!?"

The photo was Nene and Aoi in their first year of high school holding pot plants.Another was Kou and his older brother holding a pot of steaming rice.They both nodded,Nene was more hesitant.
"Aoi and I...we went to school together.Kou kun was just another kid I knew though."
"I was in the cooking club!"

Kou said proudly.However,their moods were interrupted when Amane showed them some hands that had started to grow in the pictures.Amane suddenly screamed and turned around,
"Look!There they are!What do we do Nene chan!?"
"Well,these hands are lesser spirits of course!Lesser spirits are just little things that don't have rumours,however,they want to disappear and move on to the far shore.And to do that,we have to do whatever we want from them!"
"Woah!Amane these pics look beautiful without the freaky hands!Say...who took the pictures?"
"I don't know,guess I'll never know about em!I heard they got lots of rewards for em though!Check the back!"
"I need a break!"
Nene whined,she rubbed her cheek sadly,
"One of these grotesque hands wanted to hit me!I'm sick of games and puppet shows!"
The last hand held Amane's arm,he turned and smiled gently at it,
"Hey there!Have you decided on what you want yet?"
A toothy grin erupted from the top of the hand and laughed at Amane curiously before speaking,
"I want you to come a little bit closer for me."
Amane gasped,the voice was disoriented and deep,but the echo sounded familiar.It was too late to ponder over that because it grabbed the scruff of his shirt and pulled him into the mirror sharply.

Nene ran forward and held his arm,but the gravitational tug of the spirit was stronger and pulled him into the boundary of the third wonder.
Amane quickly stood up and looked around.The room was dark and covered with hands,Amane flinched and turned to see a figure walking to him.Amane hesitated and reached out before gently pulling the boy to him and tears ran down his eyes.
Mitsuba smiled at him and waved,
"Hello there Amane,I'm a bit stuck,could you help me please?"
"O-of course!"
"Ok then!I'll take you the main bit of the boundary."

Mitsuba took Amane's wrist and walked to a door,opening it slowly.The place was huge with ceramic tilings and covered wall to wall with mirrors and stairs and glass.Amane turned to him and raised his one arm hopelessly,
"It makes sense your here!But it doesn't make sense that your here!Aoi turned you into an apparition but how did you get here!?"
"I don't know,I've never been in these places before but I could still see ghosts and stuff.I was too afraid to admit that Aoi had been following me for a while."
Amane smiled and moved his wrist from Mitsuba's grip and held his hand instead,
"Well don't you worry!I've been in a lot of boundaries before so I can walk you through this mess!Wait a second!If you could see apparitions,that means you-"
"Yeah,you need to be more quiet when your talking to Nene san,she's not as scary as Aoi san or as fake as Teru kun though.But..I miss Kou kun...a lot."

Amane's heart sunk as Mitsuba held his hand tighter,
"Please get me outta here,I want to see them all again,even if it means seeing those three again."
Amane nodded and dragged Mitsuba to a mirror that stood out to him.He let go of Mitsuba's hand and walked to it.Tracing his finger on the borderlines,he spoke,
"We have to find this wonder's Yorishido Mitsuba,it'll help us defeat this wonder if it attacks us!What number is it?"
"No.3 I think.I wouldn't stand in front of it if I were you though Amane ku-"
"Tsukasa!?Is that you!?"
"Oh boy,Amane stand back from it!"

Toilet bound Nene sanWhere stories live. Discover now