Finn Balor

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Request by The-Duck-Books
(At this point Finn has left jugment day)

You and your boyfriend Finn just came backstage after a harsh match. You had fought Liv Morgan but after the match she when crazy with a kendo stick on you and she got a few hits on Finn before security took her away. My back was a bloody mess so Finn rushed me to the doctor. As I was in there getting wrapped up another guy came in the room. None other than Dominik Mysterio. He was one of Finn's ex partner's from where he was in Jugment day a few months ago. He left them and joined the Oc but they still target him any chance they get. However Dominik made the big mistake of pissing him off by hitting on me. "Hey baby" Dom said "Hope you didn't get to hurt out there" Finn stood up and gave him a look

 "Hey baby" Dom said "Hope you didn't get to hurt out there" Finn stood up and gave him a look

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"The hell did you call her?" Finn said. Dominik smiled "Aww what are you going to do about it Finn." Finn gave Dom a death glare "Oh I'll show you bitch." Dom and Finn booked it down the hall and I tagged along but tried to stay hidden I saw Dom run behind Rhea like the little pussy he is. Finn couldn't bring himself to hit Rhea so I did it for him. I hit Rhea with a hard superkick and Finn hit Dom with a swing blade. We heard Damien priest down the hall so we both ran before he could attack us. We ran all the way to my truck and got the hell out of there while laughing all the way home.

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