Chapter 22 - Oh, boy.

Start from the beginning

She walks towards the front door, about to leave but the sound of my voice stops her.

"Where are you off to, mom?"

She turns back around to face me as she throws on a jacket.
"Just to the store - do you need anything while I'm out?"
She asks.

I think for a moment, did I need anything? Maybe some snacks?
"Would you mind getting me some chips? And maybe chocolate too?"
I ask, my mom nods then grabs her purse with her left hand whilst opening the door with her right.

"Alright, I'll see you when you get home from school,"
She smiles. Right, school.

"Uh, mom?"

She looks back at me.

"Would it be okay if I stayed home?"
I ask her while wringing my hands. I was scared she would say no.

My mom raises an eyebrow.

Should I really tell her? No way, I'm not trying to have an awkward conversation about me kissing boys.

"Uhm, I don't feel good,"

My mom keeps an eyebrow raised, looking me up and down with a quizzical look. Oh crap, that was such an obvious lie, there's no way she'll say yes.

"I can tell you're not telling the truth."
She says. My heart beat quickens and my thoughts race a mile a minute.
"But, whatever the reason...I'm sure it has to be good for you to want to miss a day of school,"

I laugh nervously and nod. Was this actually going in my favor right now?

She sighs.
"Alright, just for today though."
She says sternly.

I nod and she walks out the door with a last 'goodbye'.

Maybe It was a good idea to just stay home, I mean, I could always ask Sal about the kiss another day.

It wouldn't hurt to, stay home today, right?

Besides I didn't even get any sleep, so maybe it really is a good idea to stay here to sleep and just relax.

Yeah. I'm going to do that.

I'm not 'running away from my problems' necessarily just...pushing them aside for now.

I walk back to my room and plop back on my bed. Then after a bit of tossing and turning I finally fell into a peaceful sleep. All the drowsiness of me being up so many nights hit me like a train wreck, and I sleep for awhile.

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Narrator's POV

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After many hours of Y/N sleeping she opens one of her eyes slightly, just to get a look at the time...just past noon. Y/N plops back on her bed - planning on drifting back into sleep, but as she rolls over she slips and falls face first off the bed.

Y/N groans then mutters under her breath,

'I guess god just doesn't want me to live in peace.'

She stands up and sits on her bed.

'Well what am I suppose to do now?'

She thinks for a moment before an idea pops into her head.

'I could take a bath, it could really help me relax.'

Y/N stands, she figured she would do so because today - she just needed to chill out. Either way, it would give her an excuse to use the lovely Vanilla scented bubble bath she had gotten for Christmas.

Meanwhile, while Y/N was taking a bath - Sal and Larry were of course skipping. They hadn't seen you at all so far. They were a little worried to say the least. This morning when Sal came out of his apartment to wait for you - so you could all walk to the bus stop together; you weren't there. After that, they came to see you in school during lunch - maybe you had just been late? But you still weren't there.

They were worried slightly. But mostly Sal, he had almost the exact same thoughts about the kiss as you did, he was also terrified that you would possibly start avoiding them out of things possibly being awkward.

The two teenage boys decided they didn't want to wait until the end of the day to see If you were okay. They are greatly worried about you and needed to see if you were okay and what if you were sick? They had to take care of you. Although it isn't there job to, they felt it was their job to take care - of you no matter what.

They were now finally standing Infront of your apartments front door. Larry knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. But when no one answered: he turned to Sal and shrugged, placing his hands into the pockets of his black jeans. Sal raises an eyebrow when no one answered the door, sure it wasn't that strange - but usually Y/N's mom or her herself opens the door on the first knock.

It made Sal feel scared, was she even there? Did she not want to open the door because of him?

"Maybe we should just go in?"
Larry says nonchalantly.

"Bro, that's pretty much breaking and entering."
Sal sighs.
"I think its best we just come back at another time,"

Larry looks at him weirdly.

Sal asks him.

"Why are you acting like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like that. Why are you brushing Y/N off so much? Its weird, considering you always wanted to be near her just a few days ago."
Larry explains, his tone was soft. Until it turned serious as he spoke his next words.
"Did something happen between you two?"

Sal tenses but plays it off cool. He knows Larry likes her too, he didn't want to hurt his best friend.

"No, no. Nothing like that, I just..."
Sal pauses, trying to think of his next words carefully. It felt wrong lying to his best friend like this, he always told Larry everything.

"You just?"
Larry pushes on, seemingly more interested in what Sal was going to say.
"Dude, you can tell me anything. I will never judge you bro or get upset at you for telling me anything you needed to just get off of your chest."

Sal looks to Larry.
"You promise you wont get mad?"

Larry seems surprised as to why he would ask him to 'promise he wont get mad'. It slightly scared Larry as to what Sal was going to say that would need him to make a promise like that. But, no matter, he did so anyway.
"I promise."

Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a wet haired Y/N, who was standing Infront of the two boys in a robe.

Before either of them could register there was another person now present Sal blurted out.

"I kissed Y/N!"
He said quickly, wanting to just get it over with - like he was ripping off a band aid.

Larry's eyes widened and he gasped.

Oh, boy.


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AKA : January, 25th/2023

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