21. All I Want For Christmas Is You!

Start from the beginning

Uncle Porsche turns to him with an angry expression.

- I'm not angry, Sky. I just don't want my son to suffer. I know exactly what's going on. I've been in the loop since the beginning of your relationship. I'm sorry about everything. - he stops for a while and then it goes on - but my son has been out of his mind for a few days because of you. I want him to be happy. Nothing more. - he says at the end, Uncle Kinn holds his hand.

There is a painful silence.

- I think it's time to go - says Sky and stands up.

- Don't, stay. - Natt takes his hand.

- Have a good day.

Rain looks apologetically at me and the two brothers leave the House.

Two weeks later.

Christmas Was Approaching. The house was decorated with countless lights and Christmas decorations. My family loves Christmas. Because the whole family comes together. We make delicious cookies and watch "Home Alone" until we get sick of it. Christmas always brings family together.

- What is Christmas for you?

- Christmas is the time to light the fire of hospitality at home and the flame of kindness in the heart. We spend this holiday with our family, watch funny movies, eat Christmas cookies and can't wait to open the presents. - Rain's voice sounds so excited. - I want it to snow and my brother and I to make a snowman and roll in the snow.

- You know we live in Thailand, right?

– Let me dream. - Raine grunts into the earpiece.

- All right, whatever you say.

I park the car in the garage and head to the entrance.

- I'm going in. I'll call you later.

- It would be nice to see you one day.

- Rain, we've talked about this.

- Yeah, yeah, I know. Safety and so on. - he says bored and hangs up.

Shit, we always argue about the same thing. I walk into the living room, and there are all the kids sitting next to the Christmas tree and Sky, of course. Everyone is dressed in Christmas sweaters and Christmas hats.

- Venice. - screems Flo and hugs me.

- What's going on? If you want your Christmas present, you'll have to wait until Christmas.

- Can't I enjoy my brother? - she asks sulkily.

- You can, but it's nice to remember the other 363 days of the year. - Paris pointed it at her with his fork.

- What are you doing? - I ask and sit next to them.

- Sky put on a Christmas movie and told us to watch it. - Peach picks up a handful of popcorn while blinking at the TV.

- Seriously. And you listened to him. That's commendable for Theerapanyakul kids.

- They didn't have much choice. - it's Natt, and Sky's patting him on the shoulder.

- Don't complain. - he warns him and looks at me. - What's going on with you? How's the phone connection going?

He deserves an answer, but sarcasm flows from my words.

- At least we're not stuck together. Let the boy breathe.

- He can't breathe without me. I am his oxygen. Sky comes over and kisses Natt on the lips.

Those two are disgusting.

- So what is this whole Christmas thing? You and your brother are crazy about her.

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