☆I'm Sorry☆

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"Too?!" I repeated her words, equally shocked as she was. Blocking attacks that came from the stand, Aqua Necklace, I did my best to try to make sense of the situation that was already complete chaos.

"There's no time." Makoto snapped back to reality, materializing a figure that appeared to be her stand. This time I was the one who stared in awe, observing the stand's gorgeous flowy black hair adorned with stars and other galactic patterns. It had purple skin and wore an outfit that seemed to glow in contrast with its dark purple cosmic appearance.

"My stand power is a simple one," She whispered in my ear so Aqua Necklace wouldn't hear, "It's called U2, and it can make any objects 1-D, 2-D, or 3-dimensional."

I nodded, taking note of what she said, and then explained the concept of my stand. She was focused, paying attention to every detail, despite the annoying screech of the stand attacking us getting on my nerves and distracting both of us.

"FIGHT ME!" The stand screamed and launched itself like a tiny bullet straight at me from the water; Makoto took action and quickly pulled me to the side before it hit me again.

"Listen, I can take the door down so we can escape. But first we need to-" Makoto suddenly stopped her trail of words in an instant, clutching her throat with her hands. It seemed like she was trying to make an attempt saying something, but no sound came out.

"Makoto!" I stared at her in horror as the poor girl fell to the ground, slightly foaming at the mouth. I dropped to my knees to figure out what happened, I didn't see Aqua Necklace even do anything! Other than zooming past us like a speeding bullet and causing us physical harm, what else can it do?!

"Hehe..." A tiny but familiar scratchy voice could be heard. I scanned the room I was in 360° but saw no sight of the thing, until I looked closer...

I nearly yelped at the sight of the stand, which was in Makoto's mouth! It peered out slightly in between her lips, as if to taunt me that I was powerless to do anything. He must have done something to stop her from breathing...and talk for that matter!

"I'll tear this girl from the inside out! And you'll be next!" The stand cackled evilly, almost disappearing as it attempted to go back into Makoto's throat! But I wasn't going to let that happen, I had a plan. They say violence isn't always the answer, but this time it is. Forgive me for what I'm about to do Makoto, but I have to do this to save you. No hard feelings right...?

I curled my fingers on my metal hand into a fist, and ordered Half&Half to freeze it to the lowest point. It was so cold in fact that my face could sense the cool breeze that was emanating from it. I drew back my hand and swung before Aqua Necklace could notice.

My fist made contact with its water-like body, completely freezing it to the point where it was frozen solid. I quickly pulled it out from Makoto's mouth and threw it to the ground before it could cause even more damage. Half&Half took the time to make sure it was contained before it melts, meanwhile I checked on Makoto, who was starting to wake up.

I shook her awake, sighing in relief as I watched her eyes slowly open. She sat up quickly, but looked a little dazed as she then winced and touched her lip, which was bleeding. I helped her up and apologized profusely.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" I clasped my hands together and bowed as low as I could. She forced me back up, not understanding why I was apologizing in the first place.

"What happened? You didn't do this did you?" She pointed at her lip, and I looked down at the ground in shame, refusing to make eye contact.

"That's the thing, I DID! I had to punch you before Aqua Necklace got away, and if I was any slower he would've killed you on the spot. That explains the busted lip, I'm sorry!"

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