Start from the beginning

"But I'm hungryyyyy!"

"Come on, come on. Why don't you all sing something together and you show them how good you are?"

"Yes! Let's sing!"

She runs to the stereo and turns it on, playing a CD full of Christmas songs. She pulls the guests by the sleeves to reach the fireplace, making you laugh and glance at her sweetly. In front of such vitality you can't say no, and you all sing together. Hana-chan is obviously the star of the show: she grabs a brush, stands on the little table and sings every note with an overwhelming energy. Finally, a delicious smell hovers in the air: lunch is ready!

During the lunch, that actually looks a lot like those huge feasts you see in paintings, you eat several dishes of delicious food. You have no idea how you managed to survive until the dessert. But eventually you eat the last bite of it – after all, we all know that dessert goes in a different stomach.

"Aaah, I'm about to explode!"

"Same here. I think I'll have to roll around!" – (C/N) exclaims, patting his belly with a laugh,

"So, why don't we open our presents now instead of falling asleep on the table?" – (C/N)'s mom suggests.

"Yayyy! Presents!" – Hana-chan runs around the room and rushes to the Christmas tree – "Come on, everyone!"

With a not-so-little effort you get up from your chairs and do as the impatient little girl says. She is naturally the first to open her presents, and she gets pelouches, Barbie dolls, new tools for her little kitchen and a set to create armbands out of beads: Santa definitely brought her everything she had asked for. As the other relatives exchange their presents, you get close to (C/N) to hand him yours.

"Huh? A present for me? But we said not to get any!"

"Oh come on, I could never leave you without a present for Christmas!"

"Well, thanks then... I actually have something for you too, by the way..."

"So you do think that a present for Christmas is necessary, huh?! I would have made an incredibly poor figure if I didn't bring anything!"

"It wouldn't have been a problem, (Name-chan), don't worry."

"Aaah, you silly!" – you rebuke him ruffling his hair – "So, let's open these!"

(C/N) goes first and opens curiously your present: it's a cubic box, which certainly is out of the ordinary. Once he unwraps the paper and opens the box, he pulls out a gym bag with the Osaka Evessa logo – his favourite basketball pro team, that immediately makes his smile.

"Wow, is it an Osaka basketball??" – he enthusiastically asks feeling the spheric shape.

"See for yourself." – you say with an insinuating tone.

When he opens the bag it's an actual Osaka basketball that comes out of it, but it's not a simple ball: it's covered in the autographs of the players.

"No way! (Name-chan), how did you get it?! It's crazy!"

"Well... let's say my family trip to Osaka a while ago had two purposes..."

"I don't know what to say except for a huge thanks, (Name-chan). I'll care for it like it's my child!"

Among the laughter, it's time for you to open his present. You're curious as well, you really want to know what lies beneath the wrapping paper, so you quickly rip it – which reveals an amazing yukata of your favourite colour, decorated with lotus flowers and many other plants.

"It's marvellous, (C/N)!"

"Do you like it? I'm glad! I bought something not very Christmas-related, so I was a bit worried, but I remembered you saying you wanted one for the upcoming festivals, so..."

"The basketball isn't a Christmas-related thing either, moreover you had an incredible idea! I absolutely love this!" – you exclaim, struggling not to jump on the spot.

"Would you like... to try it on?"

"Of course I would!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yep, 100%!"

"Ok! You can change your clothes in my bedroom."


You enter (C/N)'s bedroom and wear your wonderful yukata. It's actually pretty hard to do this, but since you've wanted one for the longest time you've watched so many videos that you know all the tips. Once you're done you watch yourself in the mirror, but before you can focus on the way you look you spot in the reflect a piece of paper con (C/N)'s bed. You turn to see it better and read "For (Name-chan)" written on it. Curiosity kills the cat.

Dear (Name-chan),

If you're reading this, you're probably wearing the yukata I just gave you and you saw this on my bed. I'm writing this because I struggle to tell you how important you are to me, how happy I am every time we spend time together and how much I would love for those moments to last forever. You're the most special girl I've ever met and I'm sure I will never find one that could match you. You are amazing, and I know that you're even more in that yukata.

I love you,


You stare at the piece of paper with wide eyes for countless seconds, letting every word sink in. You can't believe it. You can't believe that the boy you've always secretly loved feels the same about you.

You rush out of the door still holding the letter and you hold him in the tightest of hugs. (C/N)'s surprise is obvious, so you rub the letter against his shoulders to show him what caused this sudden wave of affection.

"Thank you so much, (C/N)."

"No problem. It's nothing special, so..."

"Yeah, nothing special. Just the sweetest thing I've ever been told, written by the someone that I've always loved."

He takes a step back from you, without believing his ears. When he realizes your words, he wears a radiant smile and stares at you dreamily. He leads you to a wall where something very special is hanging: mistletoe. When it's perfectly in the middle, he is the one who holds you, thanking you and repeating the "I love you", to then gently pull your face closer to his. Your lips meet, a divine moment to say the least. But maybe, the words whispered in your ear shortly after are even more divine.

"Oh, and by the way... you're stunning, (Name-chan)." 

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now