✧༺♥Can i add you?♥༻✧

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Hey guys! Some parts of this chapter are inspired of one video in Isaac's channel from like two years ago. The video is called "Rating your awful discord servers" so go and watch it if you wanna catch out some things. :)


Isaac clicked the "stop recording" button, ending the video he was before doing. He scrolled a little bit more in his Twitter DM's trying to find an actual good server to pass some time. After minutes joining random servers he found one more interesting than the other ones. The server didn't seem to be a friend's group server or a single-person thing, it was very decorated and there were so many people on-line.

He decided to go into the last vc, where the owner was and tried to talk with them.


All of a sudden, ___ heard the Discord sound of somebody joining the VC. She instantly paused her favorite song and tried to talk with the unknown person who just joined.

Hello? - She said in a sweet voice.✩

Oh, hey - He replied with somewhat surprised by the tone of the girl's voice. It wasn't scandalous or loud, it was actually very calm.✬

Are you an Admin or something..? - She asked him slightly confused.✩

He would say yes or would start messing up with her like usual, but this time he was honest.

No. Why? Wait, do you know me? - He said, confused by the fact that somebody invited him into a random server.✬

Uh... Sorry, but I can't recognize you. Wait, do YOU know me? - Receiving a "no" from Isaac. ✩

Okay, so this was really weird, in her side, someone who doesn't know her just popped out on her Discord.
And on Isaac's side somebody invited him into a server of a somewhat recognized girl who didn't know him.

The two, confused, explained their versions of the situation and introduced themselves.

The "somewhat recognized girl" was actually ___, a faceless content creator of 19 years old who's content was really similar to Isaac's content.

And the "random boy who joined her server without knowing her" was Isaacwhy, a YouTuber with more or less her amount of subs who was recording a video rating servers and somebody invited him to her's.

They made some jokes about the situation and seemed to get along pretty well. Until Isaac had to go to do something.

It was so nice meeting you ___, but I have to go.. - Isaac said a little bit upset. ✬

✩It was nice to meet you too! But wait. - She wasn't an extroverted person, she usually would just wait till the other person makes the move, but Isaac seemed to be a cool guy. ✩

Can I add you? - To her surprise, Isaac said yes and added her, ✩


Well, the first chapter is not that good, but it explains how they meet. (Remember the Isaac's video was uploaded on November 11th, 2020, so it represents this chapter's date was November 11th, 2020.

And remember voting if u like the chapters, it makes me really motivated. :)

~November, 11th~ Isaacwhy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now