Fifteenth Chapter: Midnite

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"Oh that's what I do" Devante said as he walked out with her.

"Yeah I see" Myla said smiling while Devante got the door and hold It for her.

After Devante hold the door for her she turned to look at him being quiet as she admire how much of a gentleman he really was.

"So this might sound like a stupid question but what car you like drive the most to work?" Devante said cutting his eyes back at her.

"Well I tell you this I like driving that one right there the most cause It matches all my outfits" Myla said pointing at this nice ride outside In the parking lot.

"Damn this your ride?" Devante said shock while looking at the droptop Mercedes Benz.

"Yup ain't it nice Devante" Myla said as she got on the driver side.

"Yeah It's nice alright I see you" Devante said as he got In the car.

"Thanks let's turn on the radio and listen too some jams" Myla said looking at Devante while she turned on her favorite group of all time.

They listened to Guy first album "Special Edition" which Myla loved that group In the eighties she even went to go see them when they had a concert In New York she had to go and see them and plus she loved some Aaron Hall.

"Tell me this album wasn't hard when It first came out" Myla said driving too take Devante home.

"Yeah this album was the shit" Devante says as he agreed bopping head to the chorus.

"It definitely was you remember piece of my love now that song was my absolute favorite from this album" Myla said.

Devante smirked at that part. "Yeah there will never be a song quite like it"

"I know right, speak on it" Myla replied In a laid back demeanor.

Devante just put his head down and started laughing at her lovely sense of humor.

There was an awkward silence between them for a minute they only talked when Devante told her the directions on where to go then afterwards It got quiet again while they listened to the radio all the way home.

Ten minutes later Myla arrived to the destination she parked the car outside Devante apartment he shared with his brother and friends.

"Alright so I guess I see you around this weekend" Devante said before getting out the car.

Myla agreed without no hesitation she enjoyed his company a lot. "Yeah sure It was fun having you around in the studio today maybe you can bring your girlfriend the next time you come I would love to meet her"

"Uh Myla listen there's something I been needing to tell you" Devante said ready to talk about his relationship.

"Oh Is everything ok Devante?" Myla said getting worried.

"Well It's nothing bad I just need to talk to someone you know because I don't know what I should do" Devante said.

"Okay then what's the problem?" Myla said with a calmed look wondering what was going to come out of his mouth next.

"Okay well do you remember you asked about my girlfriend and I didn't want to say anything honestly I really didn't know what to say at that point but anyway she's getting ready to join the army soon and I just been hurt these last few days" Devante said while feeling like crying right there.

"Oh so that's why you had the wall up with me at the studio then when I brought up your girlfriend" Myla said.

"Yeah" Devante said as he was feeling sad again.

"Well I'm sorry If I made you felt uncomfortable speaking on your girlfriend" Myla said being so patient with him.

"No It's fine you ain't got to apologize It ain't your fault" Devante said looking sad.

"Well I hope this won't break you both up" Myla said as her words felt like she was being sincere.

"Yeah I hope It doesn't break us up either. Well thanks for the ride home" Devante said giving her a hug before he go.

"Oh no problem hope to see you back In the studio" Myla said hugging him in the car.

"I'll be there trust me" Devante said getting out of her car to walk inside the apartment that was a 18 unit building he walked to go find the apartment room number.

Two minutes later he found It he knocked on the door hoping Dalvin or his two friends K-Ci and Jojo will answer but Instead Tatianna came to the door.

"Hey what you doing here Tatianna?" Devante said looking at her as he came in the apartment building.

He didn't think Tatianna knew where he stayed.

"Well nice to see you too Devante" Tatianna said rudely

Devante turned around just to see her as they both looked at each other before Dalvin came to shake Devante hand.

"Girl please!" Devante smacks teeth Ignoring her.

"Hey what's up Devante glad you made It safe by the way how did you get home?" Dalvin asked him while taking a seat on this couch they found from this young white couple that was giving there couch away.

Devante just took a seat on the couch while watching what was on Television at the time.

"Oh Myla dropped me off after I was done out of the studio" Devante says looking at TV.

"Who's that I never knew you was talking to other chicks that's a start" Dalvin said looking confused.

Devante turned back around to make sure Tatianna wasn't standing there listening cause she will go back and tell other people back In Charlotte.

"Hello Devante who is Maria?" Dalvin said getting his attention by waving his hand at him.

"Her name is Myla and we met at the studio" Devante said.

To Be Continued...

Thoughts on Myla character so far?

Do y'all think Myla likes Devante?

Thoughts on Tatianna showing up at the apartment?

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