A Special Christmas

Start from the beginning


"So here I am, getting the governor a gift. I know you're not supposed to get all fancy with the gift but hey, we owe Diane."

Wolf then continued looking for a necklace that he thought would look nice on Diane. When he finally found one that had a heart on it he knew that it was the one he would buy.

"I'll take this one please." Wolf told a man working there. "She must be a special woman, right?" The man asked Wolf thinking he was getting it for his girlfriend. "No, she's just a friend." Wolf told the man, who just smiled and wished him Merry Christmas in response.

Later that night Wolf kept thinking about what him and Diane were... he thought they were good friends, but who was he playing, himself? Diane and Wolf always laughed when In each others company, they always flirted or played with each other, but did Diane see Wolf as more than a friend? He decided to just ignore it... I mean after all, he didn't want to ruin their friendship. They were just friends... yeah good friends...

The next morning, Wolf woke up to the smell of food and went over to see who was making breakfast. Only to find a familiar vixen making it, which surprised Wolf, not because she couldn't cook but rather how early she got here.

"Good morning sleepy head, Merry Christmas," Diane told the half-awake Wolf. "Merry Christmas Diane, but it's only 7:00. I'm surprised to see you here so early. Though, you do know I can cook right?" Wolf told her before hearing a grumpy Mr Snake.

"Doesn't mean we don't like her cooking more" Snake told Wolf, who frowned at his friends remark. "Merry Christmas to you too Mr Grinch." Wolf told Snake, while Diane giggled.

"Don't mind Mr Grumpy pants," Webs said coming out of her room, "He just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Mmm what's that smell," Shark asked before pausing, "Is it Wolfs cooking?" Shark asked teasing Wolf, which was starting to make him feel like a bad cook.

"I'm just messing with you Wolf" shark affirmed, before making his way to the couch as piranha came out.

"Mmm! I smell Waffles, bacon, and eggs," piranha told them, his stomach growling.

The Bad Guys then set up the table, while Diane served them all up. "Merry Christmas everyone, hope you guys all enjoy this." Everyone then replied saying, "Merry Christmas!"

"Damn! This is pretty good hermana," piranha told Diane which made her feel good, "I'm glad you like it piranha."

"So what did you guys have planned for today?" Diane asked, curious as to what they came up with. "Well," Wolf said happy she asked since he already planned it out, "First we're gonna go ice skating so it's not too busy, then we're gonna come back and play a game, have dinner and watch a movie, depending on how much time we have. Then after we have dinner, we can do our Secret Santa game!"

After they finished having breakfast, they then got ready before the got in the car going to an ice skating rink. When they got there it wasn't that busy, thankfully. However, as they got in there, Wolf noticed Diane was a bit nervous.

"You ok governor? Never see you look so nervous." Wolf said which made Diane a little more nervous. "Well I um don't know how to skate." Diane stated feeling embarrassed and heard them laugh except for Wolf.

"You mean to tell me the Crimson Paw doesn't know how to skate?" Snake mockingly said. Before Diane defended herself. "Hey when your always on heist and on the run it doesn't leave you with much time for fun activities like this."

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