Chapter 6

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Y/N woke up early with Ninetales by her side to watch the sunrise. She loved the quiet and peaceful environment the wild area brought, and she wanted to take it all in before going home.

She didn't encounter too many people there, a few trainers here and there that she would ultimately beat in battle, or people just passing through.

She knew certain spots through out the area that were more discreet than others, which was where she and her team would typically stay.

But it was time to go home, her birthday was tomorrow.

"You ready to head home girl?" she asked Ninetales.

"Nine nine!" her pokémon responded.

She rarely put Ninetales in her pokéball anymore, only in situations where she needed to be up. She enjoyed the company and felt safe with her out most of the time. She would take turns with a couple others on her team, but some she rarely brought out.

Mainly for their safety, or because of the reactions she'd gotten from people in the past. Nonetheless, she loved her team, and they loved her.

As she walked into her home, her mother came up and gave her a big hug.

"Honey! I'm so glad you're here! I thought I was going to miss you for your birthday!" her mother said.

"Hi mom. I'll be home for a little bit, don't worry." Y/N said, not looking forward to the conversation they were about to have.

"Well I figured we could go out to dinner tonight to celebrate? I know you probably had plans with Hop tomorrow right?"

"Yes we do, but there is something we should talk about mom..."

Here it goes.

"Okay? Everything alright dear?"

"Mom, I'm going to enter the gym challenge with Hop this year. I know you don't want me to, but I'll be 18 now and you can't stop me. I have been training with my team for a while now and I think we're ready."

Her mother just looked at her, speechless.

"I thought you were going to become a Professor?"

"I haven't wanted to do that in a very long time... I'm sorry that I have been lying to you but please understand this is what I want. Hop will be there and Leon said he would endorse us so I'm sure he would help with anything I needed too. Please understand."

She wasn't even certain that Leon would endorse them, but she had to go with her gut and believe he would once he saw how much they had grown.


Okay? That's it?

"Okay? You're not going to fight me on this? I expected a little more hesitation from you, but just okay?" Y/N asked, confused as to how easy it was to convince her mother.

"You are right. You will be 18 tomorrow and I cannot stop you, despite how much I don't want this for you. So, okay." her mother said.

"Wow uh, okay mom thank you...?"

"Why don't you go freshen up and we can go to dinner?" her mother said as she went into her room and closed the door.

Y/N nodded, and went into her room, so she could get ready for dinner. Before she was going to shower, she grabbed her phone and went to send Hop a quick text.

She sent: Hi Hop, I'm home! Also got the okay from my mom to enter the gym challenge, so all we need is Leon's endorsement and we'll be good to go!

Hop replied: Glad you made it home! And awesome! Leon will actually be here the day after your birthday, so tomorrow we can work on what we're going to say to him and how we can convince him to endorse us!

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now