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                                                                        San Francisco, 1991

    The moon loomed brightly over the city of San Francisco, blending in with the multi colored lights of the business signs and the blinding yellow lights of the work buildings. It was late-at least nine o'clock at night-yet the streets were still bustling with life. People were rushing up and down the sidewalks, shivering in the harsh weather of nightfall. Cars honked obnoxiously through the frustrating traffic, their drivers trying to hurry home before dinner.

    With his supernatural hearing Louis could hear all of these sounds, but not even these distracting elements could steer him away from what was about to take place. Across from Louis sat an interviewer, a man in about his mid or late twenties though Louis' judgment could've been off based on the pack of cigarettes that lay on the table and the heavy scent of smoke that clung to the man's clothing. Besides those items, he also brought a recorder and multiple cassettes of tape.

     While the man set up, Louis anxiously wiped his hands on his slacks and adjusted his tie. Though he didn't show it, he felt impatient. For over a century he had wanted to share his life with someone, to tell them of his suffering. And after holding this desire for two hundred years, he now had to wait as the interviewer attempted to fix his tape recorder at his own leisurely pace.

    In his own opinion Louis found the man, who later revealed himself as Daniel Malloy, rather irritating. He was frank and lacked understanding: qualities which Louis didn't care for. But nonetheless, he was grateful that he hadn't chose to drain him in a nearby alley a mere half hour ago. If he had, it was rest assured another opportunity like this would not have come.

    "So," the man spoke, slipping on an oversized pair of reading glasses. His dark hair, slicked with grease, glistened in the light of the room. He pressed the start button on his device, signifying the beginning of the interview. "Tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?"

     "I'm a vampire," Louis simply stated monotonously. The man released a small laugh and leaned back in his chair, a humorous glow in his deep, brown eyes.

     "You mean this literally I take it?"

    "Absolutely," Louis smiled. "I was waiting for you in that alley. Watching you watching me."

    Daniel lit a cigarette and took a drag. "Must've been a lucky break for me," he said, releasing a breath of smoke.

    "Perhaps lucky for both of us."

    "What were you going to do?" Daniel asked, a smirk forming upon his lips. "Were you going to kill me, drink my blood, all that stuff?"

   "Yes. But you needn't be concerned about that now. Shall we turn on the light?"

    Without waiting for an answer, Louis stood up from his chair and headed towards the light switch before a blink of an eye. He sat back down in his chair at the same speed, causing Daniel to stand abruptly in his own chair.

    "Christ!" he shouted. Shaken with surprise and fear he began to back away from the table.

    "Don't be frightened," Louis said calmly. His unnaturally green eyes stared reassuringly at the man. "I want this opportunity."

    Daniel stood tensely in his spot. " How did you do that?" he demanded.

    "The same way you do it," Louis replied. "A series of simple gestures, only I moved to fast for you to see. I am flesh and blood, but not human. I haven't been human in two hundred years." Louis gestured encouragingly towards the chair, "Please, have a seat." Daniel cautiously moved towards the table and slid back into his chair. "What can I do to put you at ease?"

    "Let's just start," Daniel said quickly. "You said you haven't been human in two hundred years. How did you become a vampire? What were you doing all that time? Was someone with you?"

    Louis smiled sadly, "Yes there was someone with me, a women by the name of Ophelia Anélle Boleyn." He pulled out an antiquated locket from the pocket of his black slacks and gently rubbed it. The circular locket crafted with gold was elaborated with small pearls. An "O" surrounded by a floral pattern, was finely engraved within its surface.

    "You must have cared a lot about her," Daniel stated as he placed his cigarette between his lips. If he felt sympathy, he certainly didn't show it.

    "I did, though Ophelia was much better at showing her compassion than I was. She had sacrificed so much for me, and in return I made her suffer," Louis said flatly, a hint of shame laced between his words. "You said you wanted me to tell you the story of my life. My life is a series of painful events that continue to occur even now. I shared that pain with my beloved Ophelia. Together we endured a life of losses, regrets, and betrayals. Here is the story of when we were both born to darkness."

Author's Note:

So I thought it would be best to clarify that this is not 100% my own work, however I do take credit for certain characters and plotting. This is a fanfiction based off of Anne Rice's Interview  with the Vampire movie so many of major plots (such as this prologue) is taken from her movie but smaller plots will be written by me get the story between Louis and my character, Ophelia rolling :) 

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