5. Religion's in your lips (even if it's a false God)

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Warnings: unprotected sex (please wrap it). A bit of dominant stuff and a lot of unholy shit going on here. Please don't take this too seriously, I'm catholic myself and I don't mean to offend anyone. This isn't a kink of mine or anything, I just loved the idea, felt inspired enough to do something with it and actually enjoyed writing it a lot!. Enjoy!

Gif is by @ FerrariSeb on Tumblr

priest!Seb au

She felt bad for lusting over a Man of God

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She felt bad for lusting over a Man of God. For spending nights with her fingers inside her thinking of the big dick hidden underneath that cassock or dreaming of licking her own cum from his strong, fine fingers.

Oh well, she still would bet her right arm she wasn't the only one daydreaming of being ravished on that white and gold altar by the handsome, blue eyed priest.


She sighs heavily and presses her thighs together, she's starting to get hot even though she's just wearing a light summer white dress. She's sat listening at the mass. It's Wednesday and there's not so much people but she still came, hoping to see him.

She didn't have so much luck, Sebastian wasn't holding the mass but Father Ross, the sixty-something years old man that she firmly thought looked just like a sloth, and she found just as boring.

Her conscience snaps at her. Of course you find him boring, you idiot. You're comparing him to the young German that fingers you in the church's bathroom, or eats you out on the desk at his office.

Why did she stay anyway? He's not here today. When she's just about to leave and takes her phone to see the hour, a message catches her attention, it was sent three minutes ago.

Come find me in the confessional. Now.

She shots her eyebrows in surprise but the tingles are present in her tummy. How?! He wasn't here, was he? Well, he definitely knew she was there and she feels embarrassed because of how obvious she is, but just for a second; she is insatiable of him and will gladly take anything he gives her.

With discretion, she excuses herself from the row of persons hearing the mass and walks hurriedly away to all the people present at the church.

Her heart beats faster when she enters a room and sees the wood cabinet in a corner and she approaches cautiously, surrounding it.

Her breath becomes shallow when she sees him, the door to the tight space open, he's dressed in all black, buttoned up to the neck, not showing a hint to the glorious chest hair she knows he has. Golden, shiny crucifix hanging from his strong neck. His ocean blue eyes on her, already glowing with danger and desire.

When she smiles and prepares to get in there with him, he stops her, harshness on his actions, as if he's ready to possess her and does not care of any consequences or wouldn't let anything get in the way of him ruining her today, the way he wants.

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