Wanko's Warehouse

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"Fine. But you guys better not tell anyone else!" She said, typing on my phone. "And, send!" She exclaimed, giving me back my phone. All their ringtones went off and they grabbed their phones, looking at the text. I looked at Beck in anticipation as he read the text.

"Whoa!" He said, looking at his phone.

"Interesting." Jade said. 

Robbie nodded with a smile, looking at his phone. "Nice."

"I'm in." Andre nodded as Cat's phone went off.

"A sale at Wanko's?!?" She exclaimed.


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"Woo! Wanko's!" "Yeah!" "Woo!" We cheered, exiting Andre's car

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"Woo! Wanko's!" "Yeah!" "Woo!" We cheered, exiting Andre's car. It was the night of the sale, and I was so excited! We were going to wait in the line for only about 20 minutes and then it was 80% off everything!

"All right, we have arrived!" Andre beamed, getting out of the driver's seat.

"Yay!!" I cheered, scooting out of the 2nd row. Beck extended his hand out after getting out first. I sat in between Beck and Trina, while Tori sat with Cat and Andre in front and Jade and Robbie sat in the 3rd row.

"Yes, Wanko's sale, yeah!" Robbie singed, dancing. I grinned at him as we walked in front of the shrub. They had purple planters in front of every parking space with big green bushes growing out of it.

"Oh, woo! Woo." Trina grabbed on Tori for balance as she almost tripped.

"Hey! Hey look." Tori said, pointing in front of her.

"What's up?" Andre asked, looking at where she pointed.

"What?" Jade and I said as we looked also. There was a big fat line, that we had somehow missed. People had tents and even little fires going.

"There's already a line for the big sale!" I said, looking at where the line ended. It was wrapped around the parking lot.

"There shouldn't be a line! It's only 6:40, the sale doesn't even start 'til 7:00!" Trina whined, irritated.

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