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Rule No. 24
Some rules are meant to be broken.

 24Some rules are meant to be broken

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"Thank you so much, I can pay you-" I cut Sabrina off.

"Don't, it's fine, really. He wasn't any trouble" I weakly smile at her, I haven't slept ever since my last interaction with Alex.

Karl was asleep just behind me on the couch, he came over last night and I broke down and told him everything.


"Well then why would he kiss you?!" Karl yells his question.

"I don't know!" I yell back, Karl hugs me. "He just started freaking out and saying he didn't mean too kiss me! I know I meant to kiss him back"

"Look, I'll talk with him tomorrow okay?"



"Let's go Asher" Sabrina smiles, taking Asher's hand.

"Ah- wait, you forgot Lion" I turn around and go into the bathroom, pulling back the shower curtains and grabbing Lion. I walk back to the front door as Lion fights me, I drop him into Asher's arms.

"There you are!" Asher smiles and hugs Lion, it was obvious the cat hated it but didn't want to move.

"Okay, now we can go" Sabrina nods.

I watch as they get inside their fancy car and James drives away, I sigh and close the door.

"Their gone?" Karl asks, his voice made me jump.

"When did you wake up?" I turn around, Karl rubs his eyes.

"Just a minute ago, I heard you guys talking about Lions" He tells me.

"Oh, yeah Asher's cat Lion" I shrug, walking over and sitting on the couch next to Karl.

"I can call Alex now if you want" He leans back into the couch.

"Karl...you don't have too, this really shouldn't be your problem" I shake my head. "I probably shouldn't have told you either"

"Rose, look. I'm your friend- I'm Alex's friend. When I find out two of my friends are in love I'm gonna try and secretly help both of them while the other doesn't know that the person they like actually likes them back" He explains, I look at him confused.

"Karl I have no fucking idea what you just said, but I think you were trying to comfort me, so thank you" I smile at him.

"Uh- yeah! No problem" He nods. "Anyways, I'm gonna go home and call Alex, I'll knock some sense into him while you sleep. Okay?" Karl pats my shoulder.

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