"Her name is Chelsea" he said, not making eye contact with Zemo.

Zemo adjusted in his seat and smiled. "Chelsea, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Tell me, Soldier, are you capable of love?"

Bucky felt his jaw clench, he didn't want to answer that. He didn't know if he loved Chelsea but he knew he'd die to protect her, he knew he'd kill to protect her. He ignored the question and looked straight at Zemo, jaw still tightly clenched. "If you pull anything that puts her in danger I'll kill you" He said, he didn't break eye contact until Zemo answered.

"I will not hurt your precious girl, Soldier. Your precious Avengers may have taken my love from me but I will not return the favor." Zemo knew they weren't responsible for his wife's death, but it was easier to blame them than himself. Zemo looked away and stared out the window, Bucky looked at Sam who was smiling at Bucky.

"I like her, Buck, she's good for you" he said, standing up to stretch.

"I'll show you your room" Sam said to Zemo, they had only been in the air for 7 hours but it was getting late and everyone was getting tired.

Sam came back and him and Bucky talked for a while. Bucky hadn't realized he left Chelsea in bed alone for the last 2 hours, when he did he rushed back to her. He was afraid she'd be awake and think he ditched her. To his surprise when he quietly opened the door she was just how he left her. In a small ball hugging the pillow with a smile on her face. He slipped off his clothes and climbed in bed next to her. She shifted and stretched her legs out, laying her head on his chest and wrapping an arm around his chest. He wrapped both arms around her and traced gentle patterns along her back until he fell asleep.

By some miracle he didnt have a nightmare, two nights in a row he had a peaceful sleep. He knew she was the reason, she may feel safe around her but he felt safe too.

He woke up to her shuffling in bed, almost thrashing, she was sweaty and mumbling. He knew exactly what this was, he's felt the familiar fear every night for years. He gently gripped her shoulders and gave her a small shake. "Wake up, doll" he said in her ear. She didn't, she continued to squirm and mumble. He moved his hand to her face and gave a few gentle taps to her cheek. Her eyes shot open and she gasped. As soon as she saw his steel blue eyes staring back at her in fear she tossed her head down onto the pillow, trying to catch her breath.

Nothing needed to be said, he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her arm with his flesh hand. When she calmed down she looked over at him, she almost looked more tired than when she'd went to sleep.

"Sometimes I still see the men from that night, sometimes I still feel what they did" she said in a whisper. He pulled her closer and kissed her head.

"I'm sorry, doll. You're safe now, you're with me. Nobody will hurt you when you're with me, I promise" he said between kisses to her temple. She smiled and laid her head on his chest again.

"Do you need another shower, doll?" He said, rubbing her arm still, she shook her head no and kissed his bare chest. She did wake up in a sweat but she didn't want to move. She was starting to get cold as she calmed down though.

Bucky felt the goosebumps on her arms and reached over to the couch, grabbing a second blanket and wrapping her up. "Would you like me to rub your back again?" He said calmly, he was willing to do anything to get her back to her happy sleep from before.

"No.." she said hesitantly, keeping her head against his chest. He chucked and sat up. "Flip" he said sweetly, running a hand through her messy blonde hair.

She smiled and quickly flipped over, everything he did felt so good. He quickly got into the same position as before and massaged her until she was sound asleep again. When he caught her sleeping he laid down next to her and slid her over to him, laying her on her side. They face each other and he kept both arms around her. He finally fell back to sleep.

Safe With You - BuckyxOC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now