Christmas event

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                             know, today is that holiday called Christmas

agul: christmas?

gaia: oh yeah, your host was jewish, he celebrated hanukkah

tiga: Christmas is that day when a fat man in red goes to everyone's house to deliver presents

dyna: funny, bruce kept on saying santa never existed, then he met him face to face

agul: we're here

the 4 ultramen land on the prison planet

max: oh, what brings you guys here?

tiga: whats the status of belial?

belial: what about me?

belial walks out from the shadows

gaia: oh, not you, remember the other belial we talked about

belial: oh, you mean the evil me from the previous timeline, we got no readings on him, in fact, last reading we had was about 3 months ago, when he broke out


belial: but, as long as we sti-

an alarm goes off

max: what the-?

a hologram of ultraman 80 appears

80: to anyone that gets this, this is Ultraman 80, the land of light is under attack, we need anyone available

tiga: shit...shit shit shit

dyna: the land of light is being attacked?

gaia: we need to do something

tiga: dyna, you and I go to our sky/miracle form and make it back to the land of light, gaia, agul, you two take belial away from here, max, you keep an eye on the giga battlenizer

max: got it

tiga and dyna quickly change into their sky/miracle forms and take off, gaia and agul group up with belial and fly away, max holds his hand up and the max galaxy flies over to him

max: bring it on

zero: so brat, what are we doing right now?

y/n: last minuet Christmas shopping, need to get more presents for hilda, oh, she might like this

zero: why are you getting her plastic

y/n: it's called a toy, I'm getting her this so she has something to play with

zero:.....what about the match?

y/n: we get Christmas off?

zero: really? so no fights

y/n: unless we volunteer, oh, do you think she would like this dress?

zero: a simple blue dress?

y/n: why not, I finally got her enrolled into a school, which starts next year, leon took time to catch her up so she will be at a 2nd grade knowledge level

zero; what about you

y/n: I'll stay stupid, as long as she's getting a good life, I'm perfectly fine with that

zero: you really are a brat

y/n: coming from a man with zero in his name, anyway, we need to register a user name, I was thinking seven ax

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