Chapter /5/

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In a span of one month, they made preparations to relocate to London, Uk.

This wasn't a small decision to make but it was necessary.

For Yasmin.

They started applying for schools over there for the children since they all had to go back to school eventually.

Salman began applying to different universities over there since he was looking for admission anyway.

Sagir couldn't join them right there but he also started looking for transfers because and I quote "I can't stay away from my family, not in these tough times."

And that was how the family of Alhaji Shehu Magaji relocated their whole lives to the United Kingdom.

Auntie Mairo included. That's right, she didn't ditch them in their vulnerable state... what kind of a person would she be if she had done that?

Besides, there's nothing for her here. Her husband was dead, she never had any kids, her parents were both dead and the truth is the closest relative she had was Jummai.

And that was how life for the youngest Magaji daughter, took a turn for the worst.

The family took the news quite positively which surprised their parents.

Sagir was in support of the idea and immediately started applying for a transfer and looking for his sibling's school.

Salman was immediately down with the idea, of anything for his baby sister. Aside from their parents, he was the first person to suggest taking her abroad because he didn't trust the healthcare in Nigeria not when they've already misdiagnosed her once. Granted, he didn't know that the doctors said she had cancer, Leukemia to be exact.

They wanted to make sure of the diagnoses before telling them.

Ahmad was contemplating a bit... his whole life was here after all; his school, his friends, that's about it but then he remembered when the image of Yasmin sprawled unconscious, lifeless, bleeding surrounded by people flashed in his head, he got on board. Yasmin was more important than all of those things he listed. He would also be living in the UK! He has always wanted to go there but now he will be living there so maybe it's a blessing in disguise after all.

Imad didn't have anything to say. He just heard we were going to London and he immediately started celebrating for his ten-year-old mind couldn't comprehend the intensity of the situation.

They said goodbye to their old lives and a month later, they found themselves in the United Kingdom with a sick girl.

Not even a week after they arrived they took Yasmin to the hospital and they did some tests that will tell them if she had cancer or not.

Yasmin was asleep on the hospital bed while her mother and father sat on the sofa holding each other and giving each other strength. They prayed to Allah that the results they would hear would be negative, they prayed with everything in them.

A knock came on the door and it was the doctor that would tell them what will change the course of their lives.

They were on their feet in seconds. "Hello, doctor."

The doctor turned to Yasmin's sleeping body before he started speaking. He had a facemask on so they couldn't gauge his facial expression.

"The biopsy results we received..." he started saying as Jummai clasped her husband's hand for support. "...confirmed that she does have cancer, Leukemia. I'm so sorry." He ended with a sigh, he hated being the bearer of bad news.

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