8- Happy family

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"Now it's showing Diksha's POV. Urgh! I'm not interrupting anymore. But I'm confused," whined Naina, the fairy of fun, while scratching the back of her neck, when Shobha glared at her.


*Diksha's Pov*

As I entered the bathroom I saw the overflowing bathtub with water. The tap was running at its full speed. Gosh! What do I do with this child, now a father of three children? 
I thought face-palming myself and shaking my head sideways. I can do nothing.

I turned off the tap and headed downstairs. I was about to enter the kitchen when my grandmother-in-law called me and said "Beta there is no need to look over food preparation today by yourself. Let servants handle this, you come with me in my room."

I did as she said. I followed her to her room and saw the happy faces of my in-laws, parents, siblings, and most importantly my husband, sitting in the living hall.

As we entered her room, she asked me to close the door and I did so. She told me about how happy she is to see the faces of her great-grandchildren and told me some parenting tips to handle my soon-to-be living headache children, which was according to her. But I don't think about this and other things at all, all I want to do is to take care of my family and keep them happy.

As our talk ended it was already lunchtime. We all sat at the dining table and I started serving. We all ate our food in silence as our upbringing told us.

Everyone has their food eating habits and we have these about no talking during eating unless it is an emergency, no phone, no fighting, no leaving till your plate is empty, no overfilling your plate if you are not going to eat all that. These are the strict rules everyone has to follow.

 After we all completed our food, we went to our respective rooms. I took Vaishnavi and Rohan while Aditya took Anushka. I entered the room and placed them in their respective cradles in the nursery room, all three of them were sleeping. 

We went to our room and Aditya came out of the bathroom wearing his comfort-zoned outfit. While he was taking a long shower and changing, I removed all the mess in the room. 

He should thank god that the knock I was about to put on the door didn't land on his face when he suddenly opened it. He was startled by my position and that was visible on his face. 

"I was about to knock. But you opened the door suddenly." His face was funny, but justification is necessary if not for him, then for me. I fixed my posture and was about to enter the bathroom. 

But he stopped me. "Then you should have knocked on my face." His reply shocked me and looking at my expression he winked. This man never stops flirting. He let me go and sat on the couch opening his laptop and butterflies erupted in my stomach as I understood the meaning of his words. I entered the bathroom to avoid getting caught and came out after cleaning.

He looked at me and said, "Sorry, I forgot to clean the bathroom. By the way, how did you know that I didn't clean the bathroom?" Well, my answer was simple that he does that frequently but I decided to shrug that off. But again he repeated the question.

"I just thought that you wouldn't have done that." He nodded and again started looking at his second wife... I mean his laptop.

I had nothing to do so I just went to the balcony to look at the garden, having different flowers outside. I sat on the chair and read the book I left on the table outside. 


I woke up to the cry of Anushka. I don't know how I ended up sleeping in bed but the last thing I remember was sitting on the chair on the balcony. Shoving all those ideas aside I got up and looked at Anushka. She was surely hungry, it's been 6 hours since she last ate. How can I be so careless?  Then I looked around to notice my dear husband left for work. Already.

After feeding her, I went downstairs after confirming that Rohan and Vaishnavi wouldn't be awake anytime soon. I did my daily routine and talked with Rakhi, my devrani.

(Devrani = wife of brother of husband)-(Only for the wife)

After three hours of waiting, Aditya finally came, looking all tired. I served him food and then told him not to do any more work and sleep. When going to my room, I peeked into the nursery room, Rohan was about to cry but I took him in my arms to keep him quiet. 

It was nearly midnight when I went to sleep after feeding Rohan and Vaishnavi and making them sleep too.  But the family was happy. A happy family was all I needed, and I got it. What more can I ask for?

Fallen ~ The Tale Of Exploration And Love Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu