a happy end

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Asahi and Jaehyuk woke up entangled into each other, still not yet over their yesterday night's activities.

Jaehyuk looked at the side clock to see it was already 7am and they needed to catch a flight by 12pm, soom getting himself away from asahi's hold.

Asahi had been cranky since the morning , he was always clinging on to jaehyuk , wanting his warmth, it was like a baby holding  on to it's favourite toy.
Asahi himself didn't know why he wanted to cling on to the alpha all the time, he indirectly wanted the alpha to pamper im, give him his soft warmth, and treat him like a fragile flower with all care love and attention. Maybe it was the harmonal changes, or his heat cycle , he was highly sensitive , short tempered, easily sulky any of which is definitely not him ,  and jaehyuk being a organised guy, who want's to cross check everything before leaving was too into his morning routine to observe this.

Jaehyuk who was about to get out of the bed was suddenly pulled down by the omega to softly hug him from behind, inhaling his smell , smiling, wanting the alpha to stay, jaehyuk though asahi is still asleep , just turning around to rub his belly before giving him a peck on his lips , detaching the omega's hand's around his waist to get up and go to the washroom to brush his teeth.

The omega was annoyed kicking of the blankets, but well he was not ready to give up wanting to give more signal to the alpha, dragging his legs to the washroom again back hugging jaehyuk, wanting to be petted by the alpha. Jaehyuk who had just completed brushing his teeth said  "Uff thank god ur up, sahi here brush ur teeth and come out quickly,  i will have bath first and go tell the reception that we will be checking out soon and also pre book a cab" jaehyuk said  turning around to ruffle asahi's hair and give him a tooth brush getting out to pack his bag and clothes, the room was a whole mess after yesterday's  foreplay.

Asahi stomped his feet in the bathroom brushing his teeth "why is he so dumb, stupid alpha" asahi said annoyed ,sulky brushing his teeth , only for jaehyuk to come back in after few minutes , "sahi are you done, I will like to have a bath" jaehyuk said.

"Ya , u and your stupid bath" asahi screamed getting out of the bathroom slamming the door hard.

Jaehyuk was confused "what is with him, early in the morning, is he cranky again" jaehyuk thought before having bath.

Asahi came out pulling all of his clothes to dump it in the luggage bag in anger , he himself didnt know why he was angry but he just dumped all his belongings in the bag closing it harshly packing it, before taking his hand bag to put in all his electronic devices, randomly putting whatever pant he got and a normal tshirt.

Jaehyuk came out unbothered packing his own stuffs, not looking at asahi, asahi just sat on the bed staring at him "how dense is he, can't  he see i need attention ahhh, he should be lucky he looks hot as fuck and already making me horny orelse  i would have punched this alpha" asahi said not speaking just staring at the alpha bitting his lips.

"Asahi everything all right,  u look  annoyed" jaehyuk said finally packing his bag and cross checking the room.

"Yeah im all good Mr yoon jaehyuk" asahi said sarcastically looking at his phone.

Jaehyuk know the omega was angry, but he was really scared to do anything cause he know asahi could beat the shit out of him , suddenly his phone buzzed it was from the reception saying they will come over to check the room and get down the luggage in half an hour, if they tend to roam around the hotel till then they could , jaehyuk thought this was perfect thing, to cool down his short tempered sensitive omega , telling him the same thing  pulling his hand to go out and get some fresh air and Change asahi's gloomy mood.

Asahi just played along as they went to the elevator waiting for the elevator to come.

Asahi was  feeling goosebumps all over his body, staring at jaehyuk holding his hands softly , suddenly remembering their night erotic actions, suddenly turning him on,asahi cursed himself for being a horny perverted idiot since morning.

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