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They are making sex rules and boundaries in the chapter so if you feel uncomfortable with that then you can leave or read another chapter!

😫daddy😫: We should make rules for our sex time bc that is important

Hyunjinussy: That was random but I agree

😫daddy😫: We can talk abt it more in depth when I get home, but for now what is your boundaries?

Hyunjinussy: I don't want anything that can potentially kill me 

Hyunjinussy: Like a knife, gun, or whip/flogger

😫daddy😫: I wouldn't want those used on me so I won't do it to you! Is there anything else?

Hyunjinussy: Well the safe word is red meaning to stop, yellow is like you can keep going but I don't like something or I need you to tone it down, and green means I'm great and to keep going. But you already know all that soooooo

Hyunjinussy: I don't think there is anything else really

😫daddy😫: Yea I did know that but it's all good to hear of it again

😫daddy😫: For me it's don't try to dom me and don't try and make an excuse to get out of sex whenever we're abt to have sex, like just safeword if needed.

Hyunjinussy: Ok and also for me don't leave the room during sex or punishment unless you getting another toy or a towel. If you have to leave just tell me what your getting or where you are going. 

😫daddy😫: Ok bet

😫daddy😫: What are you okay with using during sex or punishment time? I don't want to use anything you do not want to use.

Hyunjinussy: We'll I'm okay with everything we have in our box. Just don't use a lot on me at once. I'm also okay with you restraining my feet or any part of my body. 

😫daddy😫: Okay

😫daddy😫: For me I just don't want to have anyone watching us. I just want it to be me and you. 

Hyunjinussy: Understandable. I don't want anyone watching us either.

Hyunjinussy: what abt kinks

😫daddy😫: You already know mine

Hyunjinussy:Mr. Daddy kink

😫daddy😫: 🤦🏻

Hyunjinussy: anyways about me...

😫daddy😫: You have way to many to count

Hyunjinussy: No I don't!! 

😫daddy😫: just tell me your kinks

Hyunjinussy: foine 

Hyunjinussy: fine*

😫daddy😫: bro you can't even spell

Hyunjinussy: rudeeeee

😫daddy😫: Whatever. Just tell me you kinks 

Hyunjinussy: Well I obviously have way to many to list

😫daddy😫: don't start up now


😫daddy😫: Fine, be that way.

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