Damocles - Part One

Start from the beginning

Bellamy:O., don't move I said, don't move The second we move, we're dead.


Octavia:Get down.


He got shot.

Bellamy:This is your fault.

Octavia:We are not doing this now.

Elena:Judging by the number of dead,some of your army must have made it back to the wasteland, but they won't last long without food or water.

Octavia:I have to get to them You lay down covering fire, and we run.

Bellamy:No. O., I lost my weapon We have to wait until it's dark Once we make it back, we get the radio, and we surrender We can't win. It's over, but we can still save our people.

Octavia:Nothing is over Your Intel was bad,but at least we know what we're up against.

Elena:O., no one will follow you This is your fault, not ours, You led them here You burnt their farm,and you made them march These people are dead because of you.

Octavia went to move.

Bellamy:O., stop moving.


Elena:What are they doing?

Man:Please. We give up.

Bellamy:Get down. Get down.

Octavia:So much for surrender.


Jackson:Miller, you're hit Nate, let me see.

Take his blood Give it to Miller.

Jackson:Miller, did you see, Bellamy?and Elena?

Miller:He's with Octavia. We got to go back and get them.

Brell:Get them? This is their fault.

The enemy was waiting for us.

Brell:Well, maybe if you and the rest of the Flame cult didn't turn tail...

Miller:Say that again.

Jackson:Enough!Were they alive?

Miller:I don't know That's why we got to go back.

Brell:Then you go back alone No one else is dying to save Blodreina.

Miller:Brell, we could still win We could still win!We could still win We could still...

Jackson:Hey Get me a suture kit, something for his pain.

Brell:We're all out.

Jackson:Of what?

Brell:Of everything.


ECHO, ON RADIO: Bellamy,skai drag em hola.

Harper:Go. Take it. We've got this.

Echo:Bellamy, skai drag em hola Yu sen ai in.

(Bellamy, come in. Do you read me?)

Monty:Echo, it's Monty.

Harper:Trig, Monty.

Echo:Put Bellamy on.

Monty:I thought the signal was safe What the hell happened?

Echo:It was Diyoza The bitch betrayed us.

Monty:We don't know that.

Echo:Yeah? Then where is she?

Echo:She wasn't alone Kane betrayed us, too.

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