𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 11; You can never escape the grasp of studying😭

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Ishain sighs before answering, "It's because, compared to the other imperial prince's growth rate, yours is extremely slow. Ex.tream.e.ly. Slow" Ishain says the last past slowly, very slowly. "So it's faster is you three are carried around."

"It's comforting, but also frustrating!" Arein complains in telepathy.

Arjen just shruggs, "if we were raised in a better environment, we would be taller and bigger then we are now. But that's the past."


Arein wanted to say more, but Sora told her off, "What Arjen said was true, Arein. It's all the past now, if you want to get taller, eat more, get healthy" Sora was also getting tired so she wanted peace and quite.

"I, Ishain, from now on will make sure to provide the best possible upbringings for you three. I have thoroughly taken care of everything from your education to your daily needs. Very, thoroughly" Ishain says the last words like she ment it. She did mean it.

Ishain definitely provided the three with everything. From; clothing, food and others. The others consist of toys, furniture and anything that the three asked for. Arein was too shy to ask for anything else. Arjen asked for a few things, but over all nothing big.

But for Sora it was another story. She was NOT afraid of asking things that she probably should have. Ranging from; knifes, metals, glass and her own room for her play time with toys. And not even seeing the problem of asking for; very suspicious liquids, herbs the shouldn't be in the hands of a 5 year old child and other wired thing. Ishain was going to question what the princesses was doing with these kinds of requests, but Sora just ignored that and asked for more extreme shit; some volunteers to play with her in her play room.

For the past few days, Sora has totally been milking everything that she had her eyes on from Ishain's promise. But that doesn't mean there was a down side...


Piles and piles of things that Arein, Sora and Arjen had to study for.

Too Arein and Arjen, this was high school all over again. But worse.

"It's nice that we could have all these things for the past few days but...just how many subjects are we learning...?" Arjen says in a very wobbly and unstable voice.

"Didn't we study 12 subjects yesterday...?" Arein sounded like she was dying.

"Even as a high school student in my past life, I haven't studies like this" Arjen was literally on the brink of death is he continued.

Studying more then high school students in a 5 year old body! I could feel my arm breaking off. I have told Ishain, but she just said, "When the 1st and 2nd prince were 4, they have already master this...haa" she sounded disappointed.

"Are you guys done?" Both Arein and Arjen looked up from their mountains of paper work and saw Sora sitting on the other side leaning her body on the desk, one hand with a cookie and other hand with a tea cup.

As said, while Arein and Arjen were suffering from over studying, Sora speeded through everything like it was easy. Even Ishain said it was a shock to see how fast Sora finished everything, "Not even the 1st prince was this fast, and acurite!"

But it wasn't a surprise to either Arein and Arjen that their sister was way smarted then either of them. Sora in the past studied 24/7 just to make enough money for the three of them to live. And don't get started with money, Sora was everywhere doing whatever to earn money. Things that were sometimes a bit too much... that Arein doesn't know, but Arjen does. Plus, her obsession with creating her own poisons...and some other things.

Even in this new life, Sora read everything she could get her hands on. While Ruharel was having her daily tantrums, Sora would sneakily enter the library and take some books for her to bring back and read. She suggested Arein and Arejn to read them too, since they had a lot of useful information in them. But the two were lazy and didn't know how to read that well since it was a completely new language.

Sora eating cookies and chilling in front of Arein and Arejn just made the two more bummed.

"Why is the imperial family such show offs?...That includes you, Sora" Arein stared at her sister dead in the eye. Sora looked back at Arein but with a smug look. Indicating; at least I finished.

Arjen sighed, "I know right...I'm still having problems with the imperial language."

"Well you two can just ask for help" Sora said, suggesting that fact that she was right there, sitting in front of them.

Arein and Arjen looked at Sora with a 'are you serious' look. Sora laughed at her siblings faces, "Ok, ok. I get it" Sora said, also wiping away an imaginary tear falling from her eyes.

"Imperial Prince, Imperial princess. Please reform from using such vulgar language" Ishain said from behind Arien and Arjen's seats.

"!?...Yes" Arjen said.

'When did she get there!?'

Arein looked down at her hands, it was nice that she and her siblings could live in such luxury. But too her, it felt like they were birds trapped in a bird cage. Still she couldn't deny that it was a much better life then with Ruharel.

Sora spotted that Arein looked down, she also knows what her sister was thinking about; being birds in a bird cage... but that was just her whole life in a summary; A bird, clipped of their wings. Being displayed for people to admire and see...

Sora's lips curled up into a small smile. It was rare for her to show such a soft smile, but too Arjen, who was looking at his two sisters. Sora's smile was a bitter one. he didn't like that one bit. And it didn't help that Sora was staring off into the distance, staring out the window.

'They say this is a royals duty, but it's not like were being treated like royalty...other then Sora' Arein looks back on the few days that the three of them started to go to lessons.

Walking and Elegance class.

Both Arein and Arjen struggled to keep the book on their heads to stay. They also repeatedly fell face first on the floor.

"Haa. Terrible. Their mixed with commoner's blood can cant manifest, Whan't the use of me teaching them..." The teacher that was instructing us mumbled under her fan. "The youngest princess seems qualified thought. Such elegance, grace and beauty. She'll definitely grow up to be a decent wife." 

Of course the three blondes could hear everything. Sora didn't take the teachers words lightly. And like Sora being Sora, she taught the teacher some manners...that being with some poisons and wounds...it went well in Sora's opinion. but now they needed a new teacher.

Imperial Language class.

"I can't believe you made a mistake on the first word princess...the 1st- never mind" the language teacher sighed under his breath.

Arein just looked at the man in front of her with a 'wtf?' face. He was telling her to write a whole essay in a language she has never been taught to her...wtf?

Again, Sora taught the teacher some simple questions, with her own twist...at least this time they don't need to get a new teacher?

Economic class.

"Haa...what would happen to the country if you- No, I was just talking to my self"

"I never new we would be learning how to handle money from a pig. I guess the saying that pigs are greedy is indeed true" Sora says, leaning back on her seat. Looking up from leaning back, she glared at the teacher.

Arein and Arjen both felt that Sora really had the guts to say those things to each and every teacher, making every insult new and unique for each teacher. Even to the extent of making some of them quit the job from her insults. And to add to injury, Sora was actually stating facts. Hitting the truth really hurts.

And sometimes Sora would straight on get physical with the ones that were really pissing her off. While Sora did all of this, Arein would watch her sister in aw. Arjen would look up too Sora with sparkles in his eyes.

Anyway, it was just a daily routine of being scorned for Arein.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒║The Twin Siblings New Life x ocWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu