A smirk graced his full lips as I lowered my gaze and his voice was like pure silk as he spoke, dancing over the space between us and wrapping around me like a vice.

"You're allowed to stare at it. It is for you," he said, darkly.

Once upon a time that voice soothed my fears and whispered sweetly to me of love. There was no love there now, only primal need and a sense that he owned me. There was some truth to the second part. He owned me in nearly every way. Only my heart wasn't his any longer, a fact that he had taken out of me at the end of a whip many times before.

I didn't answer his statement as there was no need. The only response he sought was one where my body betrayed me and gave into his touch. I had stopped fighting it long ago, letting the venom from his bite work its way through my body and carry me off to a place of bliss. The less I fought, the faster he left me to my prison of solitude once more.

The lock clicked in the silver gate, and he entered, gliding over the stone floor with ease. His presence immediately made the space seem smaller and more suffocating. As the gate settled back into place, he started giving orders he expected me to obey without question, orders I hadn't fought in at least half a century.

"Stand up," he spat out.

I slid up the wall I had been sitting against until I stood, a full half a foot shorter than his six-foot frame. I avoided his gaze, keeping my eyes downcast. In two quick strides, he was in front of me. A hand slipped around my throat as he used his thumb to force me to meet his eyes.

"You always try so hard to pretend you don't enjoy this," he murmured.

"You cheat, with your venom," I spit back, a modicum of hatred seeping into my voice.

He laughed as his smirk darkened and he tilted my head to the right before running his nose over the most prominent vein in my neck. I shivered involuntarily; the feeling working its way down my spine and straight to my core. My body was already betraying me. He left kisses as soft as snowflakes up and down my neck as he pressed his hardened length against me.

There was a pinprick of pain as teeth sliced into the delicate skin of my throat. A gasp slipped past my lips as I reached and wrapped both hands around the arm he was using to hold me by the neck. There was a moment of instinctual panic before his venom roared through my body like an unchecked fire.

Vampire venom was like a drug to its victims. It made you soar higher than anything man could ever make. Many members of the other species had become slaves to it, offering themselves as walking blood bags to any vampire they came across just to chase that high. It was a feeling of bliss. All the pain, all the emptiness of your life left your body and your mind and all you felt was pure ecstasy.

I went limp against Nikolai and he smoothly picked me up with a hand under my rear end and pressed me more firmly against the wall. As the venom muddled my senses, I couldn't help wrapping my legs around him, all desire to push him away gone as I tried to pull him closer. I'm supposed to hate this man, hate what he's doing to me, but my thoughts are incoherent and warped. I helped him further by pulling my dress up past my waist as he unbuttoned his pants.

"Good girl," he whispered against my neck and I preened under the words. My hands slid down his arm and fisted in his shirt as he thrust into me in one smooth motion. The cry that tumbled from my lips was involuntary and I would feel shame for it later, if I remembered doing it.

"Always so ready for me," he groaned as his hips moved at an agonizing pace.

Everything was going so painfully slow I felt I might come apart as my body reached for more. My grip on his shirt and my legs around his waist tightened as I tried to make him go faster, to give me what I thought I needed.

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