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A dead silence appear in Singhania sadan and goenka family
A photo is placed in the hall yes the photo belongs to naira kartik goenka
Besides a baby girl is crying in her nani lap
She is kaira kartik and naira goenka first daughter
Whole family is crying over the loss
Akshara Naitik is not in their sense
Once again their daughter is snatched away by the fate
Swarnish sukhil naman karishma Mohit nandini dadi badi dadi choti dadi dadaji remains shocked
Their naira is lying lifeless and her last symbol is crying and remain shocked
Naksh anmol yash samarth are bewildered and failed to support a broken kartik
Little kaira : papa mumma nahi uthege
K: his tears flows and he cried bitterly hugging his jaan little symbol
His one doubt destroy everything his upcoming baby his jaan everything got over in that dreadful accident
He is crying over his loss
His sisters support him
Keerti rose mansi gayi are themselves broken but they promise their naira to take care of her two jans
Soon naira got dressed in beautiful red lehenga clad with beautiful jewellery
Dadi call kartik to fill her hairline one last time
Kartik came and fill her hairline with vermilion and adores her neck with nuptial chain and kiss her forehead and cried bitterly hugging her body
Kaira go and put a bindi on her mother temple kissing one last time
Whole family let out the sob
Krish vansh manas shivay raksh Amish handles kaira and cried
Soon processing starts

Nakshara remember how they hold little naira in their hands
Swarnish sukhil remember how naira came for the first time
Kartik remember the beautiful moments spend with her marriage,love , togetherness, trust, their first child
He hug his kaira close to his hearts
She left the aangan where she born ,where she goes after marriage,she left her mendak ,her princess her family.
Everyone cried

They came back and some time started to pass
Naira place got filled by little kaira
They see her and got relaxed and their life goes on

Naira : the suffered soul (One Shots)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat