"Aw, what happened to daddy?" He said, leaning near her face again.

Medea turns and looks him in the eye. "I'm not calling you daddy."

"You did earlier, though."

"That was a joke which I now regret." She said with a fake smile.

"What if I make you?"

Her smile faded the second she heard those words. She stayed silent for a couple of seconds and for the first time she had no idea what to answer to what she just heard. She blinked a few times before speaking again. "What?"

A smirk—that annoying fucking smirk of his—appeared on his face again. "Were you flustered?"

Medea lets out a scoff. "Keep dreaming, dude."

Dabi pressed the cigarette in the railing to turn it off and threw it down. "So, who did you lose because of her?"

"You're done smoking. Besides, I came up here to be alone, so you can now fuck off."

"You say that after we have a conversation? Besides ," He mocks her. "I'm still bored. Tell me."

"If you tell me about your scars, I'll consider it."

"Then I guess the rest of our past will remain a secret, babe." He said, walking towards the door.

"Don't call me babe, you asshole."

"See ya."

The door shuts and now she's left alone with only the sounds of the busy city filling the silence. Medea then smiles to herself. "Works every time."

It is true that she was not flustered by what he told her a minute ago. It's the way he said it. It sounded...almost familiar and because their faces were so close, she had a chance to look at his eyes. They were just like... "What the fuck am I thinking?"

'Who did you lose because of her?' As she recalls Dabi's question, her eyes get a little blurry at the memory of the only person she can clearly remember being close to her.

"He's dead." She sighs, wiping the tears that were ready to roll down her cheek. Her jaws began to tighten, as did her hand on the banister she was leaning on. Her other hand rested on her face covering half of it. "Damn it. I fucking miss you, Toya."

Her voice was now barely audible and cracked every time she tried to speak. "Why did you have to die?" She kept rubbing her eyes. "Fuck, it's been years, why is this affecting me now? Stop..."

After a few seconds, she heard something she was supposed to hear the moment Dabi closed the door behind him.



It feels like it's been hours since the second Katsuki embraced you in his arms. He was keeping you tight and had no intention of letting you go until you calmed down.

"Katsuki...?" you barely whispered.

"Hm?" His chin laid on the top of your head and moved just a bit to have a glance at you.

"Is Kaminari okay?"

"Sparky is fine, he turned into his dumber self after his attack," he said. "But are you?"

You got the answer you needed and because you didn't want to speak any further, you only nodded. The crowd's noise and Present Mic were the only noises covering the silence between the two of you.

You just wanted to stay like that. You felt safe in his warmth; like nothing could ever hurt you if he is around. It was always like this, though, you just never noticed it till this moment.

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