"hey guys look, what's that small thing on the TV?" says Morgan getting closer to the thing.
I get closer too, and I look carefully at the thing, then I see a very small red dot, Garcia taught me that signals the presence of a camera.

"she's watching us" I exclaim walking away from the camera.

I don't have time to glance at the others when smoke, probably drugs, rises from the corners of the room. the door was closed and we couldn't breathe, I hear Rossi cough and then collapse to the ground like Hotch, Emily and JJ, Garcia looks for a second exit but the windows are all fogged up and she too faints, I hear a last thump on the ground, it must be Morgan, then nothing.

When I wake up I'm in a truck chained to the rails and sitting on a seat. It's very dark and I can't see other people's faces. Must be the truck Reid told me about.
I have a bad headache, I don't even know what time it is but I know it's pouring rain, I hear the rain running down the truck and the drops pattering on the roof.

"is anyone awake?" I hear this voice in front of me, it sounds like Morgan's, maybe because it's Morgan's.

"I am" I say.

"I am too" this is Rossi, his voice comes from next to me on the right.

"guys where are we going?" this is Garcia, her voice comes from the same direction as Morgan, about in front of me.

"where are you?" Garcia continues, she's panicked.

"I'm right here" we say it all 6 together with little liveliness.

"wherever it takes us, we won't be safe, we need to warn Reid he could be in danger too" says JJ.

"guys I think she is listening to us" says Morgan.

no one moves a muscle, and no one dares to speak. we spend the rest of the journey in silence listening to the sound of thunder and rain.

as soon as they arrive, two armed men dressed in white open the door of the truck. They are very quick to untie our chains, but as soon as they untie me they put more on my wrists. Finally I see the light, or rather the clouds, it has stopped raining but I'm sure it will start again soon. I also see the faces of my team. Morgan is ahead of me waiting to be released, to my left are Hotch and Prentiss. JJ and Garcia are ahead of me on the right. Rossi has just been released and he was right next to me as I had guessed before.

they all line us up, kind of like we're in prison, and ask us to follow them into this huge facility, which I think is an abandoned prison.
Elle has made it her home, her castle.

I look around and it really looks like a real prison courtyard, even the structure, painted all white, like the men who are guiding us inside.
the walls are all white, white is a symbol of purity and on the walls they make the room bigger, but it's just an optical illusion.
they take us to this room at the end of the corridor, one of the two men types a code on a digital panel and the door opens automatically. the room is quite small like the interrogation rooms, it says "guest room" above the door, the walls are all black. in the center is a table with 8 chairs. The two men leave us in that room and lock us up. We are not alone, sitting in one of those seats is Reid, dressed in hospital gowns.

A voice coming from a corner tells us to sit in one of those seats. In this room, there is a camera and a speaker where people tell us what to do.

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