"Task Force 141, Colonel Vargas, and Shadow Company will infil three boat teams for a simultaneous takedown of both targets."

When Shepherd said the next part, you couldn't help but steal a glance at the man beside you.

"Ghost and Odile will lead the ship assault team to disarm the missile. Graves, Soap, Alejandro will engage the oil rig. Your orders are to eliminate all threats."

The line went dead.

Of course you were with the jackass. Of course.

You close your eyes and rested your head on the window for the rest of the car ride.

. . .

"Wake the fuck up. No time for naps, Lieutenant."

A gritty, low voice spoke to your left. You felt the vehicle halt and you jerked your body upwards.

"Va te faire foutre," you said. I wasn't even asleep. Ghost didn't reply and got out the vehicle. You mirrored him, forcing your attention back on the mission.

I just need to get this over with and then I can go to Austria to find Kilgore.

You went to the dock, boarded the boats and the mission was set ablaze. Once you made it to the ship with Ghost and some other men, you all grappled upwards to get to the top. It was warm and wet outside, and rain pounded against the surface when you reached it.

You crouched and snuck behind a cargo box, taking your sniper rifle off your back and scanning the area for potential targets. Normally, in a close quarters situation like this, snipers would be frowned upon — but you're very skilled at what you do, and on the spacious main platform of the ship you were stationed at currently, you could make an exception for the time being.

"Two targets spotted behind a stack of cargo. I can take them both out."

Ghosts low voice sounded through your earpiece, catching you off guard for a moment. "Go for it."

You aimed your rifle and flawlessly took off both their heads. The shots were silenced, so any surrounding enemies were unaware of what happened.

"Another one by the rail. He's alone."

"You know what to do."

Annoyed at his continuous commentary, you hastily took the shot and moved your sniper to your back, pulling out a lightweight SMG and staying low as you moved upward.

You called through your earpiece. "You know, I really didn't need the commentary. I would have took the shot anyway."

He didn't respond.

Hm. So that's how it's gonna be. You mentally noted.

The team regrouped and then spread out, heading for the main station of the ship. You skillfully and precisely took out every target crossing your path.

"Second deck clear," you informed your team.

As you passed through a hallway, you heard a noise coming from behind you.

Black Swan | Ghost & König [I] ✓Where stories live. Discover now