"Well, you know, it's the truth. Deep down inside that gorgeous body of yours there's the Stefan that fell in love with me too." Nini gagged and Stefan turned to leave, pulling Nini with him. 

"That Stefan died when his father shot him. This Stefan is a hell of a lot smarter." 

"Nini!" Nini looked up from the book she was reading and Damon hurried towards her. 

"What's up?" 

"We, dear sister, are going to a barbecue." He pulled Nini to her feet and handed her a bag. "These are some clothes for now, but don't worry, blonde had volunteered to get you an entire new closet. She has some strange obsession with you." 

"What's a barbecue?" Nini asked, pulling out the clothes. They were actually pretty nice. 

"It's a small party and people eat a lot of unhealthy food that tastes delicious and drink alcohol." 

"Sounds fun." She hummed. "But why am I going? No one knows me." 

"Has Stefan explained the current situation to you?" Nini shook her head. "Well, the lovely mutt you saved our brother from has a part of it. We're in the middle of a possible infestation and someone names Mason Lockwood is most likely the wolf that attacked you guys. We think his nephew has the gene too, but now we need to go, confirm he's a mutt, and then, kill him." 

Nini furrowed her eyebrows, partially confused on why her brother would kill someone at a party but not really caring because she trusted his judgment. He had never steered her wrong before, why would he now? "And I need you, Nini, because if things go south you can use your wonderful magic trick to slip around and kill him if I can't. We're just going to stab him, nothing to brutal. But, swear to me Nini, if anything even comes close to putting you in danger, you leave. You will go hidden and leave me there and go find Stefan. You swear?" 

Nini hesitated but nodded. She didn't want to leave her brother, especially if there was danger, but she would keep to her word. "Great, let me just get changed quickly." 

Damon watched his sister disappear for a moment then return in her new outfit. "Cute." He commented and Nini grinned before following him to the car. 

"Should we tell Stefan we're leaving? He's upstairs." Damon shook his head and opened the car door for her. 

"He'll be fine. I'll call him so he knows nothing happened to you. Now, some rules." Nini scoffed. 

"I'm not a child you know? You guys don't have to protect me so much, I can defend myself." Nini insisted. 

"Yeah, because you defending yourself is the reason you're the only vampire in history that was so good at hiding as a human that it made them able to disappear." Damon spoke bitterly and Nini hung her head slightly. Damon looked over at his sister, immediately feeling guilty. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It's not your fault. I'm mad at him, not you." Nini nodded and Damon looked back at the road. 

"Anyway, rules. There is a human here who doesn't know about any supernatural things so don't do anything infront of her. Her name is Jenna. I'll point out Mason when we get there. And, just to be safe, be extra careful not to disappear infront of her. Your backstory is you just moved back to Mystic Falls after going to some fancy boarding school and you live with Stefan and I again. You got that." Nini only nodded her head again and sure enough Damon noticed. 

He knew how Nini was, if she felt she did anything wrong or was truly upset, she would go silent. She made a habit of it as a child and last time he had seen her she was able to go weeks without making any noise. And if she didn't go silent, she just disappeared. Not that the siblings compared their horrible childhoods, but they knew Nini had it the worst. She was only 7 when their mother died, leaving her the most defenseless against their angry father. And it didn't help that Damon left for the war, leaving her and Stefan both alone.

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