Boris and theo

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Boris and Theo had spent every waking minute together, they went at each others houses, went to school together, hung out all the time, would make jokes watch old European movies,Boris would teach Theo Russian. Maybe if the two were normal teenagers they wouldn't have become so close so soon, but they weren't. They both had a fucked home environment and that might have been one of the reasons for why they because so closeso soon. Boris needed Theo and Theo needed Boris. Boris loved Theo but he would never admit it. He was ashamed of himself of what people would thing , little did he know that was the least weird part of the entire story. And some day Boris would need to face the fact that Theo wasn't real, he wasn't part of his imagination. So what would Boris do when if all of a sudden Theo stopped showing up, he panicked he couldn't do this he NEEDED Theo. He spiraled into craziness everyone saw it. They asked what was wrong he would say Theo and they would say who is that. He didn't understand Theo was in many of these classes, how come no one knew him. But as time passed and Boris grew he couldn't do it anymore so he decided to give it one last try to see Theo, he made some arrangements and here he was ,4 am in his room a bag of pills in his hand and nothing to lose.

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